Chapter 17

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Huntzberger Estate

Hartford, Connecticut

"Today has been beyond exhausting!" Rory said walking into Logan's bedroom and collapsing on the bed.

"Yes it has." Logan agreed kicking his shoes off, then emptying his pockets out onto the dresser, "It was really good to see Stephanie and the baby though.

"Little Valerie is so adorable! She looks exactly like Stephanie."

"They spoil her rotten." Logan laughed. "That little girl has Collin completely wrapped around her tiny little finger."

"As she should! I'm glad Collin and Stephanie finally worked things out. They fought their feelings for way too long."

"The same could be said for a couple of other people that we both know . .."

"Collin and I talked about that today."

"You did? When did you have time for that?"

"At The Times office, while we were getting my things."

"What brought that on?" Logan asked.

"He noticed a picture that had been on my desk. One that reminded me that facing my fears can lead to some pretty amazing things."

"What picture was that?"

"Just one that he took at an LDB event."

"Ok, I'm going to need a few more details here." Logan chuckled.

"It's a picture of us when we landed after jumping off that scaffolding."

"I remember that day. I wanted to kiss you really bad."

"That's what Collin said."

"You've had that on your desk?"

"For the last three years."

"This picture?" Logan asked pulling a small picture from his wallet that he had just set on the dresser.

"Yeah. . ." Rory answered with a soft smile.

"It's been in my wallet for over a decade."

"We are kind of pathetic."

"I wouldn't say pathetic. I would say sentimental . . . He probably told you about my wild dating history while we were apart."

"Just a little bit."

"I had medical school to focus on."

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