Chapter 103

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10 Days Later

"Hey ,how's Rory doing?" Honor asked as she stood in her kitchen, talking to Logan on the phone.

"She's hanging in there. Postpartum depression is no joke."

"Do you guys need anything?"

"No. Right now, she still doesn't want anyone around. Even having Lorelai here is too much at times."

"At least Emily and Richard have their own apartment, so they aren't on top of you guys. They can hang out over here, if you need them to."

"It's fine. They understand what is going on. They've been keeping themselves busy. Emily is redecorating the HPG office and Richard is helping Doyle out with all the work that Rory would normally be doing. Everything is handled right now."

"Did the doctor put her on any medication to help her out?"

"He gave her some Zoloft and Lorazepam for the really bad anxiety attacks."

"Is that safe while breastfeeding?"

"It's supposed to be. Doctor Peterson said that it's safe, and I googled it, and from what I've been reading, it appears to be widely used, even during labor."

"Good to know. How are YOU doing? Do you need anything?"

"I'm alright. A little stressed out with everything going on, but that's to be expected. It's nothing that I can't handle."

"Do you want me to come take Ayribella for a while? Give you guys a break?"

"Thanks, but Rory would freak. She stresses if she wakes up and can't see the baby. They're both upstairs asleep right now. I literally walked down the hall with Ayribella earlier, to put some clothes in the washer, and Rory woke up and freaked out because Ayribella wasn't next to her."

"Wow, that's some crazy anxiety."

"It could be worse. Doctor Peterson doesn't want me leaving her for the next few weeks. He wants me with her every second, just in case. The meds could take a couple weeks to kick in, and we have no idea what kind of reaction Rory might have to them. Things could get ugly, but they could also go right back to normal. There is really no way to know. I'm just trying to run interference between Rory and the family, and still be there for whatever she needs."

"Has having Lorelai there helped?"

"Yes and no. Sometimes Rory just wants her Mom, but then other times she wants to be alone. It changes from minute to minute. Postpartum hormones are crazy."

"I've read about that. Some women have no hormone symptoms and go right back to their normal lives without making any changes, and others end up doing a complete 180."

"Yep. And Postpartum Depression and Anxiety can happen to anyone. There really isn't a way to avoid it. You can be the happiest person in the world, and still get hit with it. This stuff doesn't discriminate."

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