Chapter 75

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"Logan, Honey, where is Rory?" Shira asked as Logan sat watching her unpack her things after arriving at Honor's house.

"She's at home resting. Rory is on bed rest"

"Still? When are her doctors planning to lift those orders?"

"When Ayribella is born. Rory's pregnancy is very high risk."

"Does this mean that you only get the one child?"

"Not that I am aware of. We'll see how Rory is doing after she recovers. But if we only get to have one baby, that is totally fine."

"Don't you want multiple children?"

"Only if it is safe to do so."

"You always wanted to have a big family."

"Priorities change, Mom. I won't risk my wife's health so I can be selfish and have a ton of kids. Rory comes first."

"How far along is she now?"

"28 weeks."

"So not too much longer."

"Only 8-10 more weeks. Rory will be delivering early."

"But isn't that dangerous for the baby?"

"The longer Rory can go, the better it is for Ayribella. But even if she was born today, she has a strong fighting chance. In another two weeks, Rory will get the steroid shot to help the baby's lungs develop faster, that way there are less risks to delivering early."

"Are you prepared for the baby to come early?"

"I really don't think that anyone is ever fully prepared for a baby, but yes. We have everything we need if Ayribella were to be born today."

"But you haven't even had a baby shower yet."

"No we haven't, but there is nothing that we need. Anything that we are given is an added bonus. We actually aren't asking for gifts at all. Rory and I are fortunate enough that we can more than provide for our own child. Rather than ask for gifts at her baby showers, Rory is partnering with a charity here in the city, as well as one in Hartford, and she is donating gifts to mothers who are less fortunate than we are. All the invitations that went out let people know that we are celebrating Rory and the baby, but that in lieu of gifts we suggest a donation. Rory and I have already made large donations to both places."

"Well isn't that kind of you."

"It's the least that we can do after everything that we've been blessed with."

"So you really don't need anything else then?"

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