Chapter 12

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15 minutes later

Gilmore Residence

Hartford, Connecticut

"Rory, Logan, come in come in!" Emily Gilmore said as she opened the door to see her Granddaughter and Logan. "We are so excited to hear your news! Let me take your coats, everyone is in the living room. Logan, how is your father? Lorelai tells us he is in the hospital."

"Heis doing ok. We saw him a few hours ago." Logan said as they handed Emily their coats.

"Sorry Grandma, I have to keep my phone on me." Rory said handing Logan her purse, before taking off her jacket for Logan to give to Emily, then taking her purse back. "Work problems. It's all part of the news."

"Not a problem. You have a very demanding job."

"You have no idea." Rory chuckled as they headed for the living room. "Hey everyone! Thank you all for coming on such short notice. There is so much that we need to tell you, and we thought it was best to just have everyone together, so we could do it all at once, and not have to have the same conversation several times."

"Plus, things may be getting pretty crazy very soon." Logan added.

"Logan, how is your Dad?" Lorelai asked.

"He's doing well. He had a heart attack last night, and went into emergency surgery."

"Oh my gosh!" Emily gasped.

"Doctor Levan and his team performed a bypass, and he is expected to make a full recovery. But it'll be a long road.

"Hey Rory, what is that?" Lorelai asked all of a sudden.

"What is what?" Rory asked innocently.

"That, right there on your hand."

"I got my cast off this morning. I still have limited movement, but Logan promises me I'll be back to normal soon."

"Other hand. What is that?"

"That," Logan started. "Is another piece of news. I asked Rory to marry me tonight."

"What!?!" Lorelai and Emily shreaked together, as everyone jumped out of their seats to hug Rory.

"I somehow knew it!" Lorelai said as the women hugged.

"Actually, this literally just happened. It wasn't part of the news when I called you." Rory told her.

"Oh really?! So then there is some even bigger news coming.? You aren't pregnant are you?"

"No, nothing like that." Logan laughed as Richard hugged him, and Luke patted him on the shoulder.

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