Chapter 80

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"Rory, you look amazing! Gosh, I wish pregnancy had looked even half as good on me as it does on you. What is your secret?" a woman asked, sitting beside Rory in her backyard. Emily had put together an amazing party based entirely around the theme Rory had picked out for Ayribella's nursery; The Secret Garden. Rory's backyard had been transformed into a magical paradise. Everywhere she looked, there were flowers. Throughout the last two days, there had been florists, decorators and party planners in and out of Rory's home. Emily had pulled out the big guns for her granddaughter. Rory's backyard literally looked like she had stepped right into the garden she had seen in the movie. There were rose bushes all over the place, as well as several daisy bushes of various hues, and a ton of other flowers. Instead of just hiring a florist to do all the work, Emily had brought in a landscape team to redo Rory's backyard. They had added a few trees, lots of flowers, water fountains, and some gorgeous flowering bushes all over the place. A lot of the flower choices reminded Rory of her Grandparents' gorgeous backyard back in Hartford. Emily's yard was the envy of her neighborhood, and all of the Gilmore's friends, and Rory was sure that her yard would be added to the elite list of beautiful yards. She was glad that her Grandmother had taken over the care of her yard because Rory knew nothing about gardening, or yard work of any kind. She could probably have hired a team to care for her yard, but most likely would have asked Emily for recommendations anyway, so having Emily take over was a giant blessing. Rory was able to sit back and enjoy the beauty all around her, without having to worry about any of it. "You look absolutely incredible!" the woman continued. "And your home is just fabulous! I had no idea that you had even gotten married, but as always, you've managed to surprise us all."

"Thank you Tweeny. That is so sweet of you to say." Rory smiled politely.

"How long have you been married now?"

"A year, on my birthday."

"You were married on your birthday? That is so sweet! Was it just incredible?!"

"It really was."

"Emily said that you eloped on the beach."

"We did. It was gorgeous, and so peaceful."

"You didn't want to have a big wedding?"

"We talked about it, but it just isn't us. There has been so much going on family and business wise, and planning a big society wedding just seemed overwhelming. Logan and I had already waited so long to be together that we just wanted to jump and not wait anymore. Eloping was absolutely the right thing for us."

"Well as long as you are happy, right?"

"Absolutely! Logan, Honey, you remember Tweeny Halpern, right?" Rory asked as Logan stepped up next to his wife, handing her a glass of lemonade."

"I do. It's a pleasure to see you again." Logan smiled, taking a seat in the chair to Rory's left.

"Congratulations on your new baby Logan. Rory was just telling me about your wedding. I had no idea she had gotten married until Emily invited me to the shower."

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