Chapter 38

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"Rory, Honey, what do you think about this?" Emily asked, holding up a pink frilly dress for Rory's approval.

"I think that's a lot of lace, Grandma! I'm honestly not sure where the baby will ever wear that, other than maybe once to your house, for you to see."

"You don't like it?"

"It's really not my style. You know me, I'm pretty simple. I don't do lace. And I've never been a pink person either. I know that pink is big for baby girls, but I actually prefer an assortment of color."

"Alright then, we can definitely work with that. Have you thought about a theme for the baby's nursery?"

"No ,I have not."

"Do you like flowers? Or maybe animals?"

"What about books? Like . . . Grandma, I've got it! What about The Secret Garden?"

"The Secret Garden . . . I love it! That is actually a great idea! I can just picture it now. Lots of green everywhere with splashes of bright colors in the form of flowers and animals. We can put a large tree in the corner, and incorporate vines and grass, lots of different flowering plants. That is the perfect theme for your baby shower too! Everything will be kind of rustic antique with bright flowers and animals. We can incorporate butterflies and different birds. Rory, everything is going to be absolutely gorgeous!" Emily said excitedly. "We can even use a lot of the same party décor for the nursery. I am so excited! This is just perfect!"

"I love it Grandma! Let's do it! I need to call Logan, give me just a second." Rory said pulling her phone out of her purse while Emily walked through the baby section of Bloomingdales.

"Hey Ace! How's shopping with Emily going?" Logan asked, answering the facetime call from Rory.

"Logan, I came up with the best idea, and I just HAD to tell you!" Rory said excitedly.

"What's that?"

"The Secret Garden!"

"The Secret Garden . . . That's a book right? And I'm pretty sure they turned it into a movie that my sister was obsessed with growing up."

"Just one of my favorite books when I was little. Grandma asked if I had chosen a theme for the baby's nursery, and I hadn't even thought about it yet. We are standing in Bloomingdales, and all of a sudden ,it hit me. The Secret Garden! And it's absolutely perfect for a baby shower too! Grandma says everything will be rustic antique with lots of green, and bright pops of color coming from flowers, butterflies, birds and different animals. There are trees, and vines, and moss, and grass. It's wooded and gorgeous!"

"I love it Ace! And I think it perfectly fits with her name.!"

"I do too!" Rory agreed, practically bouncing with excitement.

"It sounds absolutely amazing!"

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