Chapter 8: A Promise Broken

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sorry its been so long since i last uploaded💀
i acc suck at having a consistent upload schedule so ill just be cranking out chapters whenever i can manage, sorry if this ones shit its been a hot minute since i wrote anything long form😭


Seraphina sits curled up quietly in the back of a car as Five and Luther are driving somewhere.

She believes they had probably mentioned where they were going and why, but she had been completely zoned out. It's been happening a lot more frequently lately, even with Five back. Worry for her worsening mental state had been slowly ebbing its way into her thoughts, but she isn't sure what could be done about it.

The car ride had been generally silent, causing the girl to sink back into her thoughts before the car had slowed to a stop, pulling onto the side of a road, in what seemed to be the middle of nowhere, before the sound of a seatbelt clicking is made. The girl hears a sigh come from Five, but she doesn't fully snap out of her dreamlike state until his voice breaks the silence.

"You know, I never enjoyed it."

The girl's eyes snap towards the front of the car, assessing her current situation. Luther had been the one driving, and there was a suitcase between the two boys. She can vaguely recall a mention for a need for it, to fool someone. Klaus' kidnappers, probably. Seraphina focuses in on the conversation going on, trying to stay present.
'trying to stay useful'

"The killing. I mean, I was... I was good at my work, and I... I took pride in it. But it never gave me pleasure," Five sighs before continuing, "I think it was all those years alone. Solitude can do funny things to the mind."

Seraphina tenses at that last part, just the words being said out in the open hitting close to home.
"Yeah, well, you were gone for such a long time. I only spent four years on the moon, but that was more than enough. Sera too...

It's the being alone that breaks you."

The girl flinches at the man's words, hardly noticing Five looking back at her worriedly, still not knowing the full story of what happened to her after he had left all those years ago.

After a moment of silence, Luther picks up the suitcase, "You think they'll buy it?"
"Well, what I do know is that they're desperate. It's like a cop losing his gun. If the Commission finds out, they'll be in deep shit. Oh, not to mention the fact that they'll be stuck here until they get it back."

"Well, I should hold onto it."
"In case they make a move on you."
"Okay Luther, but be careful. I mean, I've.. I've lived a long life, but... you're still a young man. You've got your whole life ahead of you. Don't waste it."

Under different circumstances, Seraphina probably would've laughed at the scene of what looks to be a teenaged boy giving a grown man life advice, but the sound of a car approaching interrupts that would-be train of thought.

"Here we go.."
Five exits the car as the second one gets closer, prompting Luther to follow his lead. Seraphina slowly gets out of the car as well, leaning on the side of the car, hugging her arms tightly around her waist.

Five walks around the side of the car, cupping his hand on the side of the girls face, looking at her with a ghost of regret in his eyes and giving a silent apology, as if trying to tell her something, before putting his hands in his pockets and approaching Luther.
"If this all goes sideways... do me a favor and tell... Delores I'm sorry."

Rotting from the Inside ; Five HargreevesWhere stories live. Discover now