Chapter 1: We Only See Each Other at Weddings and Funerals

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just so yall know, im aging the time five disappeared up to 16 because im having seraphina having stopped aging at 16

also i feel the need to say im watching the series for the millionth time as im writing this so i can make sure im getting the dialogue and timing right

this chapter will be LONG because im attempting to write this chapter for the entirety of episode. i probably wont ever do this again moving forward because this is taking fuckin forever, but i hope you guys enjoy it, just bare with how slow paced it may or may not be


Knees to her chest, her white hair pooling down onto the mattress below her, curtaining her face and obstructing it from view. A small figure sits silently atop her bed, staring at nothing. Her bedroom door slowly creaks open, and the sound of a cane softly thumps on the wooden flooring, but the girl makes no movement to acknowledge the sound.

"Miss Seraphina... I do not know how to tell you this.. but... your father.."

"He's dead.. isn't he?" her soft voice cuts Pogo off, almost monotone.

"...Yes, Seraphina.. Your siblings will be here soon, for the funeral."

She gives no response, and stays in the position she had been in as a short, awkward silence befalls the room.
"..I will give you some time to process," Pogo states before turning to leave, hesitating briefly before closing the door behind him.

After a few moments, Seraphina slowly moves her head, turning to look around her room. For having spent as many years as she has inside of these walls, her room is rather barren. A thin layer of dust blanketed most of the furniture, and at a first glance, the only indication it had even been lived in are a few trinkets lying around and her unmade bed. She absently lets out a short hum, and slowly moves from her curled up position.

'A family meeting. Huh. Imagine that.'


Seraphina had decided to stay in her bedroom until the last moment, not entirely sure how her family would react to seeing her after all these years.

After Five had disappeared, she had completely isolated herself from everyone and everything. The last time she believes any of her siblings had seen her was the night Ben had died, when she had tried, and failed, to save his life.

Her eyes water at the thought. Furiously blinking them away, she decides to leave the confines of her room to go meet her siblings downstairs.

Now donning a dress, one of the only black clothing items she owns (although still having white accents), and a pair of black flats, she begins to leave her room.

Now donning a dress, one of the only black clothing items she owns (although still having white accents), and a pair of black flats, she begins to leave her room

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