"There you are-"
the tip of familiar tranquilizer meets your head

Startled by the sudden hostility, Sigewinne whined
"Oh, I knew you would mad"

Sighing heavily, you nudged the weapon away
"No... I'm not mad"

"You sure?"
she questions skeptically

"Though I should be, I just feel too exhuasted"
you slumped back onto the bed

"That could be sleep debt. Given your trial is today this meal should help"

Your expression deadens with the reminder, poking at the supplemental nutrients of the meal. That bizzare dream must have been a product of anxious sentiments. Stretching slightly, it was clear your body craved the rest since the deprivation. Whilst you weren't pleased with the methods of the intervention in retrospect- you really could have been too fatigued for trial. Wriothesley then enters the area,

"Oh, you're awake"

"Am I not supposed to be?"
you deadpanned

"Glad to know your sarcasm remains spirited"
he shakes his head

"Don't think any of this discouraged me, I still plan to receive my justice"

"Though it's last minute, we could try bargaining one more post pon-"

you cut him off with feigned confidence
"No need, I can handle it"

Despite the anticipation for the outcome, you were certain of one thing- you would not step out of there a guilty citizen. If the Oratrice is to be trusted for it's accuracy then it should not convict you falsely. However in the case of any unfavorableness...

Preparing to leave, you ran a quick errand at the rag and bone shop before meeting with the others at the entrance/exit. The others stood together, Clorinde and Wriothesley having a discussion in which she seemed subtly apprehensive. Clearing your throat in awkwardly,

"I suppose it's time I go then"

"Well you might co-"
Sigewinne was interrupted by Clorinde

"Best wishes on your trial"
she says in place

Turning to the once intimidating warden, it was fair to say you were both mutual nuisances to each other. Setting all differences aside you held out your hand in a respectful manner as farewell but he did not accept.

"You think you're just going to waltz out of here?"
he spoke in a playful manner

"Won't a guard escort me?"

"You caused far too much trouble for me not to be curious of the outcome, I am watching that trial"
his arms cross

your eyes narrow at him
"What about the Fortress?"

"On my own vacation he asks for such a favor"
Clorinde spoke up, implying she would take his place

The atmosphere in the elevator was silent as you stood next to the warden, this hardly felt like a freeing moment. You had notice the return of your MPS badge but, it did not hold the same value as you had applied. Especially when Sigewinne questioned the need for such a job, times had changed but progression stops at you. So long as the role exists, others expect you to handle it.

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