The Trial

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The Opera House stood intimidatingly tall with an ominous allure creeping through the doors. Entering the main auditorium area, it was both spacious and empty with lights illuminating Furina's and Neuvillette's seats in great emphasis. The stage dimly lit as the Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinal stood prominently.

The balance scale is rumored to have a conscious of its own that Neuvillette holds implicit trust in, respecting every judgement provided. This stage is where the line between law and enterainment blurs due the Archon's innate need for drama. To her, the affairs of mortals were mundane but to you, this was a matter of justice and pride.

Despite the pristine the conditions, the peculiar emptiness created a narrative of abandonment. Treading down the steps and towards the stage, you froze in place upon the sound of a soft giggle. Your head jerks as it echos from the empty seats yet no one to be seen.

Examining the rows meticulously by section, the sound grew quiet and it felt hopeless to press any further. That's now how things are done though, you would continue to frantically look- never considering the alternative that you might have just imagined it. How can one not go mad when desperately chasing something so futile.

Scratching your head in frustration, in a moment of clarity your gaze fixates on the stage. There stood a faintly illuminated figure in the silhouette of a Melusine. Drawn closer, you called out only to be met with no response but she remained still.

In your time of being an MPS officer, it wasn't long until you became familiar with all the Melusines that reside in the city. Her uniform was vintage but suggested she was part of the Marechaussee Phantom. Strangely, she was unrecognizable... a Melusine never seen before.

"Um, hello?"
your tone softens

"Hm, you must be on the shoreline"
she mutters, more to herself

Your head shakes in confusion, looking around
"No.... we are in the Opera House"

Taking a step closer, she steps back in response. Your brows furrow, stepping again only for her to cheekily move out of reach as if this were some sort entertaining game.

"Do you know something I don't?"
your tone, curious

She brings her mit to her chin whilst tilting
"Is there something you want to know?"

A million questions actually... but before any could be expressed, her attention deviates. As if she had more pressing matters, she turns away into the dark shadows of the stage. Leaving you dissatisfied,

you called out

Met with a wall, the confusion was short lived upon the sound of little steps that came from above as she was suddenly on the balcony. Skipping around in twists and turns, she appeared at random. Her mumbling was quiet, yet echoed- repeating 'Vautrin'. Patience worn by the lack of answers and her unpredictable avoidance- what did any of this mean or entail? She then stood at the edge of the stage, scanning the empty audience. In stealth, you approached her with intent to detain before she could disappear. Arms open as if to hug, you lunged forward... only to realize you had grasped at nothing. Gravity continued as you fell towards a harsh impact that knocked all the lights out.


Through the disortiented haze, the blurred image of a Melusine watching over came into subtle focus. Lidded eyes narrowed in determination as your arms lift and you muttered in annoyance.

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