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Being Chief meant a lot more responsibilty than just leisurely patrolling around the city each day. You still remained as the only member of the MPS since the job did not have a serious reputation amongst other occupations. So on top of patrolling around like a Garde you also had office work to take care of.

Unfortunately, you didn't have an official office to yourself. What you had instead was a small rented and shared closet space at the postal service office. You sat down in the extravagant wheeled chair, a luxury gifted by Neuvillette, it was your most exquisite possession in the small space.

So maybe your humble office enviornment also contributed to the ridicule your job received. It did not, in the least, deter your spirit nor love for the job. The overwhelming pile of mail on your coffee table desk was nothing to be intimidated by as most of the mail were just thank you messages or small trivial inquiries Melusines tended to send to you.

The intended purpose of this mailing system is to provide another method of seeking for help other than in person. An example being, if a Melusine would like to report a concern anonymously. It's not exclusive to them either, if people would like to report something they noticed of concerned they may also notify you to investigate. There's a variation of specific intents for mailing you but the main purpose is to provide another way of communication.

As you suspected the first couple of letters were "thank you" messages. Then followed a by small variation of,

Where do humans come from? -Veleda

Could you please ask Monsieur Neuvillette what he recommends for dinner? -Muirne

Still on vacation but i'd like to know if you ever get bored of your hat's outdated design. -Rhemia

You smiled reading the letters, it was by far the most entertaining part of your day. As you wrote back some responses and took note of requests an envelope had fallen onto the ground. It's condition wasn't as pristine as the others, it was smudged in mud and the writing was shaky.
Perhaps it was a serious notice,

Carefull you picked up the letter opener to carefully open it as to not damage the fragile letter.

Chief of the MPS,
My name is Rohrette and I will soon be joining the Fontaine Pipeline crew that's in charge of the pipes maitence. I worked very hard for the job opportunity but now that I will be starting soon I am beginning to have second thoughts... Im not sure how this service works but you can find me by the fountain near the hub around early afternoon.

You glanced at the clock, it was few minutes before noon. In a hurry you hastily adjusted your uniform properly before running out towards the fountain. As you ran you assessed the situation in your head trying to rehearse what you would say to the timid Melusine. It's doesn't seem too hard to console the classic case of the job jitters but if you didn't do so in time you feared she may quit before giving the job a chance.

Once you made it to the fountaine you marched around its circumference looking for the Melusine in distress. You weren't familiar with all the Melusines, you mainly knew the ones in the Marechaussee Phantom as they've been in their positions for a while. However once in a while some from Merusea Village tend to seek a taste of the city life.

Which is why you were caught off guard when a tiny being in overalls and a hat poked you for attention. From first glace you could of swore it was a human child but upon seeing the mitten paw you knew it must've been Rohrette. It was new to say the least to see a Melusine in overalls, they tend to wear dress like clothes hardly any pants. Ah but, her desired job can get pretty mucky so perhaps that was the reason behind it.

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