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Defamation is the act of spreading false evidence and statements with the intent to damage a person's reputation. The perpetrator is definitely taking advantage of your poor coincidences to shine you in the light of their misdeeds. It is a futile battle fighting against the misunderstanding created and to be, the source itself must be attacked to put an end to this.

The unfortunate things about Fontaine and it's trials is how the Hydro Archon treats them like a spectacle for theatric entertainment. Lady Furina took notice of your lack of presence at the trials of others, insisting you attend as if inviting you to a show. Perhaps her joy in dramatizing the real cases of mortals derives from a boredom only an immortal divine being like herself could understand. With how big this case has gotten you could only imagine the juicy headlines your case was printed with on the newsletters.

Though Neuvillette prolonged your trial much later than most tend to take place, indefinite meant there was no clear time frame to set a deadline for your goals. Time is a reasource of the essence and all your efforts must be dedicated into revealing the true criminal so that proper justice can be served... and may that raise the proper question of how the current legal system should be revised and reformed.

With the awareness of fleeting time and motivation you had to make due with the resources the Fortress provided. After parting with Wriothesley with your 300 coupons you noticed a man hauling a shabby whiteboard out of their cell. Every proper dective needs an evidence board and one person's trash is another's treasure. You approached them with fixated eyes, showing obvious interest.

"Are you throwing that out?"
you asked with hope

He glanced down at your hands holding the coupons,
"Um No, I'm selling this board actually. You interested in buying it?"

"How much?"

"250, It's a pretty big board with plenty of space to fill and I'll haul it wherever you want"

"Were you sentenced for being a scammer?! 250 is way too much for such a shabby board"
you gasped at his ridiculous attempt to steal practically all your coupons

"It wasn't scamming... it was just hustling. 170, take it or leave it"

"Fine, you have a deal"

Seeing the board in your room a small prideful smile tug on your lips, perhaps you were beginning to understand the true value in the coupons. However just as time they were a resource to be preserved and replenished, the time you sacrificed from investigation must be spent on working for coupons and vice versa. Before retreating to bed you spent well into the night tidying and organizing your cell, scavenging around the mess left behind from the previous person to occupy this room. They must have been fond of writing since you found books full of poems, there was an unfinished book with a decent chunk of blank pages you could put towards notes for your board.

The set up was blank for now so you could organize your thoughts and memories of what was was investigated so far. A lot of your useful notes were scattered around in the city of Fontaine, especially your journal that was left behind in the sewers. Taking sleep into account you decided to form a schedule of stragetic naps to ensure you wouldn't pass out, a questionable approach but your choice to make. Does wearing the same uniform for a prolonged time begin to itch? As you laid down the collar was insufferably annoying as if poking the back of your neck and causing great disturbance hence why you only took naps instead of long interrupted periods of sleep.

The next day you sat down with a drowsy expression, your welfare breakfast meal seemed to have larger chunks of that purple meat. Though it was strange you recalled how the meal before gave you energy to get through the day and as suspected this meal was just as effective. It seems perhaps the meat was actually an energy inducing supplement, how and why it managed to get onto your plate wasn't clear yet. The other inmates found it weird how open you were to eating the strange platter since they saw it as a bad omen for breaking a 'forbidden rule'. Exceeding your working limit on the machines you found that completing favors for others was another decent method of income. Some of the favors were a bit strange such as hauling suspicious crates around and delivering letters to quite some intimidating figures but all you had to worry about was getting it done.

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