The Comedian

731 29 2

Today happened to be a rather peaceful day, warm sunny weather and hardly any disturbances. It was the ideal day to patrol around the city in a more leisurely way.

Passing by Chioriya Boutique, you caught a glimpse of yourself from the reflective mirror. The Boutique had lovely outfits that are actually made from an Inazuman designer.

"[Name]! Are you finally here for fashion advice?!"
Eloffe, one of the staff spoke.

"Um no.."
you awkwardly shut down her strange fantasy for giving you a makeover.

"Oh.. Some of the Gardes have talked about updating their standard uniform to be more fashionable. I just thought you were doing that too"

"Aren't uniforms supposed to be about practicality, besides I don't see what's wrong with mine."
you tipped your hat rather confidently

"Well if you're going for a pirate like look then you've met success. However... the feather is rather obnoxious."
she bluntly tells you

"Ah well.. If I consider updating my inform then I'll be sure to come back here."
you assure her

"Excellent, we'd be delighted to have you as a client."
she smiles, finally letting you go.

At a far enough distance your posture sinks slightly, your outfit isn't ridiculous... right?
Never mind that you still had patrolling to do, you wouldn't let a an opinion about your uniform get in the way of work.

You took the path towards the hub, specifically the clementine line. People either go there to take the aquabus or have a magnificent bird's eye view over the city.

A few people crowded around the corner of a post, murmuring to each other. Of course anyone capable of being curious would too join the crowd to investigate.

"He's just standing there.."
"Doesn't he look majestic?"
"Is he alright?"
"Should someone ask him?"

So many people whispering at once to each other, they then notice you.

"Oh hey, I know that feather.. it's the MPS chief."
one of them says slightly louder to you.

"Why is everyone crowded like this?"
you ask

"Monsieur Neuvillette is standing close to the edge there, Do you know why?"

"I'm afraid not... maybe he's just sight seeing. Which is completely normal unlike you guys creeping around the corner watching and whispering about him."

"Oh.. sorry. We are just a bit interested since he's so... him. Could you ask him what he's doing?"

"I only speak to him on professional basis'"
you replied bluntly

"Aw don't be like that, we would ourselves but you're better acquainted with him."
the crowd looks at you expectantly

"Alright alright fine, clear the way please."
you give into their demand

"Could you ask him if he's free for dinner?"
Some lady sighed in admiration

"I will not be doing that."
you clarified once able to step past the crowd.

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