First Group Activity

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After their lunch, they all return to their classrooms. Ms. Jaune then entered the room and given the class an activity to make the students know their other classmates personalities.

Ms. Jaune: Alright class settle down, I will give you a group activity, not really an actual school group activity. This activity is used to know each other. I'll give you the instructions of this small activity. I want you and your members to discuss their characteristics, hobbies, traits and even their name, in case you haven't know or forgotten it. And after that, the leader of their group will come and front and present what have you been discussed. I will group you to into five.

(I will only focus on Tails group and their discussion)

Their group:

*Tails (L)

*Kit the Fennec


*Sights the Mouse (OC)


*Mania the Hedgehog (OC)

*Nicole the Lynx

*Ruby the Raccoon (OC)

*Tekno the Canary

*Height the Bat (OC)


L - Leader

OC - Original Character


Ms. Jaune: Alright, all of you have groups now. I will give you 30 minutes to talk and know each other. Now go.

Tails: Alright everyone, first we need to do is know our names, I guess somebody already forgot their classmates names but don't we will recall it. Once again, I'm Miles Prower, you can call me as Tails. And you?

Tails points to the red hedgehog

Mania: I'm Mania, Mania the hedgehog.

Tails: Nice to meet you Mania, keep those in mind so we can fully know each other. And you?

Tails then points to the black and white mouse.

Sights: I'm Sights the Mouse, and this is Height the Bat

Height: Hey!

Tails: Nice to meet you again. And you? Ray?

Ray: Of course, have you forgotten it already?

Tails: Sorry alright, and the last one is you

Tails points to the blue fennec

Kit: I'm Kit the Fennec.

Tails: Alright, since the boys are done, and it's time for the girls. Let's start with uh, who are you again?

Ruby: I'm Ruby the Raccoon

Tails: Okay, now continue

Nicole: Hey Tails, it's me Nicole and Tekno

Tekno waved her hand at him.

Tails: Good to see you again, you too Tekno.

Tails: And the last one is. Cosmo, right?

Cosmo blushed a little when he mentioned her name

Cosmo: *Shyly* Y...y.. yeah, Hey Tails, nice to see you again.

Tails: Alright, we're done recalling our names, now it's time for our hobbies and interests.Tails then asked them one by one of their favorite food, music genre, activities and etc. Later, 30 minutes has passed, Tails then presented about their groups characteristics, and the job was simply done without him stumbling with it.

Ms. Jaune: Well done, I see you getting more to know each other, I want you to give yourself a clap since you cooperated each other.

The whole class clapped and seemingly cheered for their selves

Ms. Jaune: For our dismissal, it will be at 4 but first, Sonic's group will clean the room, while tomorrow group 2 and so on. Please wait for a few minutes and I hope you enjoyed the first day of the new school year.

Later, class is now dismissed, Sonic's group were cleaning the room, while Amy, Cream and Cosmo went into a small eatery and talked about the day.

Amy: Hey Cosmo, that was pretty smooth there.

Cosmo knew what she was talking about and begin to blush

Cosmo: Amy!

Cream: You know, you and Tails are very cute together.

Cosmo: What, no Cream. He's just my... friend.... he's just my friend.

Amy: You mean friends with benefits.

Cosmo becomes very flustered after hearing her tease.

Amy: *giggles* Okay enough. Anyways, how was the first day of school?

Cream: It was very good.

Cosmo: It's fine, perfectly fine.

Amy: I love it too. Anyways, look at the time, it's time for us to go home now.They walked out of the place, and waved at each other.

Cream and Cosmo: See you tomorrow, Amy.

Meanwhile, the three girls finally got into their houses.

Earthia: Daughter you arrived, how was the first day?

Cosmo: Oh hey Mom, it's perfectly fine, Amy and Cream are still my classmates like last year.

Earthia: Glad to hear that. Now go change into your casual clothes.

Cosmo went into her room and change into her casual clothes. When she's changing her clothes, she secretly thinks of Tails about what happened previously and slightly blushing.

Hours later, Cosmo's family took their dinner, after Cosmo finished eating, she went to her room and use her phone texting her besties. Later, she went and ready for the next day of school.

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