Introducing Our Selves

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???: Alright class, please take your seats.

The whole class then took their seats, while Tails seated beside Sonic, just like how it went on 7th grade.

???: Alright everybody, let me introduce my self first, my name is Jaune Moyen or you can call me as Ms. Jaune. I will be the adviser for section Gorge, the previous batch I handled last year was great, now it's for the new batch. Now take out a sheet of paper, write your name, we will all introduce ourselves at front.

The students wrote their name on the paper, and finally passed it to the teacher, after that he calls them one by one to introduce their selves to the class.

Ms. Jaune: Is everybody's paper here?

The class: Yes ma'am.

Ms. Jaune: Very well, let's start the day, when you introduce yourself, you can tell us your hobbies, talents and your interest. Now, first to introduce here is Cosmo the Seedrian.

(I will only focus on Sonic, Tails, Amy, Cream and Cosmo because there's too many characters here)

Cosmo gets surprised when she was the first to introduce herself, she then gets up and went to the front.

Cosmo: Good morning everyone, my name is Cosmo the Seedrian or you can call me as Cosmo, I've been here since eight grade along with my old classmates. And for my hobbies and interest, I love gardening with my sister's and my mom, we always do it at the weekends. And it's nice to meet you all.

Ms. Jaune: Nice to meet you Cosmo the Seedrian, please take your seat. Next one is Sonic the Hedgehog.

The boys in the back began to clap their and seemingly cheer for him as he walks to the front.

Ms. Jaune: Looks like your the guy that every teacher talks about, alright, begin.

Sonic: Pleasant morning y'all, I'm Sonic the Hedgehog or Sonic, which you probably know. And you already what I always do, I love to run, hanging out with my friends and fo some sports.

Ms. Jaune: Ok, Sonic the Hedgehog, I always heared your name in the gym or our faculty office. Please take your seat. Next one is Amy Rose.

Cream and Cosmo looked at Amy while she was about to walk to the front of the class.

Amy: Good morning everyone, I'm Amy Rose or just Amy. And for my talents, I love to cook, do sports and hanging with friends.

Ms. Jaune: Wow, very energetic for the first day of school Ms. Rose. Take your seat. Next on our list is Cream the Rabbit.

Cream gets up on her desk and walks to the front of the class.

Cream: Good morning everybody, I'm Cream the Rabbit or simply just Cream. For my hobbies, I love to pick flowers and transform them into a flower crown.

Ms. Jaune: Very crafty Ms. Rabbit, please sit down. And the last one to introduce their selves is Miles Tails Prower.

Tails was surprised the he was the last one to be called, his friends were cheering for him and walks to the front of the class, while Cosmo looks at him and knew the name of the fox.

Tails: Good morning everyone, my name is Miles Prower or you can call me as Tails, and I'm new here, some of my friends still remember me since I was here at 7th grade but I transferred to another school after that. Oh, and my talents are inventing, building and fixing machines.

The class who haven't heard of Tails were surprised of his talent, while Bean asked a question.

Bean: Why do you have the nickname "Tails"?

Tails: Oh, I was born with an extra tail.

Tails turned around and showed his extra tail to the whole class, the students who haven't knew Tails were amazed about his extra tail. Meanwhile, Cosmo blushed shyly and her heart begins to beat.

Cosmo (in mind): Wait! What is this feeling. No, I just met him. Oh God, his eyes, his blue eyes, it's..... very beautiful. I feel like I'm about to explode!

Amy then looks at Cosmo to see what's her problem, but she then realized that she has a crush on the new student. Amy began to smirk while looking at her.

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