xx. yours.

545 28 71

brady's pov.

❝ 🏐📷🎧🍙☕️ ❞

"YOU'RE SURE she'll like this? What if it's a dumb idea? She doesn't even like headphones, I'm the one who likes them." I mutter, and Jack rolls his eyes.

"Yeah, I'm sure. I'm her brother, man. I know what she likes." Jack insists. "Even if she doesn't like the way you ask, she likes you. A lot. There's not a single universe out there where she'd say no to you."

I run a hand through my hair as Jack laughs at my nervousness. He pats my shoulder in attempt to calm me down.

"Chill, man. Ath won't say no. If you still think she'd say no, you're crazy." He tells me, and Kiara nods.

"Yeah, I mean she literally told you she loves you. How could she say no?" Kiara acknowledges, and Connor smiles.

"Right, she's like incapable of saying no." He puts his hands on Kiara's waist to move past her, and Kiara's eyes widen as he face heats up.

Connor comes over to Jack and I, a very slight smirk on his face.

"Oh you know what you do to her, don't you." I whisper, and he nods at me.

"Hell yeah I do. She hasn't caught on, either." He answers, making me shake my head at his silly way of messing with poor Kiara. "Pretty good acting on my part for being the twin who doesn't act, huh?"

"Just ask her on a date, man. You know she wants you." Jack deadpans, and Connor shakes his head.

"Nah, it's fun seeing her freak out when I get close." He laughs, and I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, and I'm the asshole." I say sarcastically, and he frowns.

"Chill, I'm not leading her on or anything. I'm not into her, but she's my friend. I don't wanna make it awkward by rejecting her when she didn't even ask." Connor explains. "Just— let it go, man. I already feel bad about it."

I think he's just in denial. He wouldn't get joy out of seeing her flustered if he didn't like her.

"Right... okay." I nod. He definitely is secretly praying that she never gets over him or some shit.

"Brady, Athena's on her way!" Cleo shouts, and my eyes widen.

"Oh, shit." I panic. "Maybe I can't do this."

"You'll be fine!" Kiara encourages. "If she says no, I'll literally ask out Connor."

Connor raises an eyebrow. "Yeah?"

Kiara's face heats up. "That— that was supposed to mean I won't be doing that!"

"I'd like to see you try to ask me out, Kiara. You can already barely speak near me." Connor teases, and she narrows her eyes at him.

"You know exactly what you're doing, don't you?" She accuses, and he shrugs.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, love." He says innocently, and her face heats up, getting impossibly more red.

𝗡𝗢𝗕𝗢𝗗𝗬 𝗚𝗘𝗧𝗦 𝗠𝗘 (B.N) ¹Where stories live. Discover now