xiv. bet.

555 27 146

brady's pov.

❝ 🏐📷🎧🍙☕️ ❞

"FUCK YOU, Brady. I actually started to believe you were changing." Connor shouts angrily after Athena walks out, and Alyssa shrugs.

"He agreed to the contract, and we agreed on no backing out. Did you not know?" She says innocently, and I really wish someone would punch her.

I told her Athena doesn't count. She told me if I didn't kiss her today, then she'd make Athena hate me. Well, she did that anyways.

"Connor, I swear I didn't want it to happen like that." I tell him, and he rolls his eyes.

"Yeah, right. The only reason you were nice to her is your damn bet. Get a life, Brady. This is pathetic." Cleo rolls her eyes. "I can't believe I trusted you with Athena's feelings."

My eyes widen slightly. "She has feelings for me?"

"Why else would she let you kiss her!" Kiara screams. "You're dumb! No fucking wonder you agreed to something as stupid as a bet like that."

I wince at the sound of her voice, but I don't speak up. She's right, I am dumb.

"Leave brady alone, it's a harmless joke."
Alyssa deadpans, and I glare at her.

"It's not fucking harmless! I made Athena upset. Again. She's so nice to me and I do this to her? Not harmless." I spit, and she rolls her eyes at me.

"Whatever! Stop being so whipped for her! She isn't even that pretty." Alyssa mumbles, and Kiara slaps her.

"Dont even think about insulting Athena again, or I swear, Cleo and I will beat your ass." She threatens, and Alyssa looks at me.

"You're gonna let them talk to me like that?" She scoffs, and before I get a chance to speak up, Connor speaks first.

"Who gives a fuck what he says, he's the dumbfuck who was stupid enough to ever speak to you." Connor laughs humorlessly. "You better fix this shit with Athena or Jack's gonna murder you."

Suddenly Athena walks back in, directly over to me, and slaps me. I don't even attempt to defend myself. Definitely deserved.

She has tears in her eyes, and I feel like dying at the sight.

"Angel, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. It was stupid and selfish, and really idiotic because I don't even need the money." I say desperately, and she nods, glaring at me.

"Yeah, it was dumb. And don't call me angel, you tarnish the meaning every time you say it." She spits. "I'm warning you because I'm a good person, Jack wants to beat your ass. Unfortunately for you, he's in town and knows where your house is. Be careful."

"I don't care if he hurts me, Athena. I just want you to understand I didn't mean it."
I beg, and she rolls her eyes.

"I don't care if you didn't mean it, you did it. You made a bet that you could steal someone's first kiss from them. Did you ever even want to be my friend? Was all
This shit just a— a ploy to get your money?"

𝗡𝗢𝗕𝗢𝗗𝗬 𝗚𝗘𝗧𝗦 𝗠𝗘 (B.N) ¹Where stories live. Discover now