vi. twin fights

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brady's pov.

❝ 🏐📷🎧🍙☕️ ❞

I HAD a feeling there'd be someone at my throat after I'd spoke with Athena, but I had assumed it'd be Cleo... so you can imagine my surprise when my twin brother shoved me into the nearby lockers.

"Connor, what the fuck?!" I shout, and he just sends me a glare.

"You can't just fucking act like that. Nobody gives two fucks that you're famous, okay? Be a fucking decent human." He spits, seeming increasingly angry as the seconds pass.

"Connor, chill. She asked me to—"

"I don't care that she asked you to be honest! She cried because of you, okay? So don't tell me to chill. That's Cleo's friend, snd Cleo's my best friend." Connor says angrily. "You're an asshole, and it's not hot, I promise you. I know you think you're all mysterious and shit but really you're just mean. Athena didn't deserve that, Brady. She's been nothing but nice to you and then you tell her some shit like that? Immature, honestly."

"Can you let me talk for two seconds?" I mumble, and he rolls his eyes, but motions for me to speak. "One, I felt bad after saying it, but I had Kiara and Cleo glaring at me so I didn't feel very welcomed to apologize after. Two, I didn't mean to be as harsh as I was, okay? Three, I had no idea she cried. I just made a mistake. I was gonna apologize in history anyways, so can you let me live for once? You're my damn brother, not Athena's."

"Maybe I'm not her brother, but at least I'm siding with a decent person." He scoffs. Okay, that hurt a little... "Why didn't you think before speaking? Like seriously, Brady? You didn't think you saying she talks too much to be your friend would hurt her feelings? You saying she's a yapper every two seconds? Trust me, we get it. We know you think that of her, so just stop saying it! She's a girl, they take words pretty hard sometimes. You really should've considered that before you spoke."

"I—" I start, but he speaks over me.

"Oh, right. I forgot, you don't have human emotions. You only know how to act. I guess that's why you're a good actor, huh?" He says sarcastically.

My jaw tightens. "You may be pissed at me, but you're still my brother. There's no reason for you to be absolutely attacking me over this. I do have feelings, Connor. I didn't mean to make Athena cry, okay? Can you chill?"

"No, Brady! I already said I can't chill! You just don't understand truly how rude you've been to her. I know you're rude to everyone, but cmon, she was trying to be your friend, and let's be honest, you're lacking in that department. You've got some teammates and like 4 famous friends, what're you gonna do when you graduate? None of them are going to school with you next year."

I frown. "Well Athena wouldn't be at my school either, so what's the point? I've only got a semester left here and I'm off to UCLA, so I don't see why I need more friends. Xochitl will still be my friend, and she frequently visits LA."

"One friend is enough for you?" He asks me, and I shrug awkwardly.

"I dunno..." I mutter. "Why does it matter so much to everyone if I'm friends with her? Like what's so special about her?"

"Are you serious?" He let's out a sarcastic laugh. "You really are an asshole, Brady."

He shakes his head as he rolls his eyes at me and walks away. I furrow my eyebrows in a confused manner. What'd I say? I don't understand why he's so mad again...

"Brady!" I hear from behind me. It's a female's voice, which i recognize from when I was practically blackmailed into being nice to Athena. Cleo.

I groan as I turn around. "Yes, Cleo? You here to yell at me too?"

"Only for a second, I let Connor go first." She says sarcastically. "Why the fuck are you so rude! You made Athena cry and she's still defending your name to the fuckers who are asking her about it. You seriously wanna hurt someone that sweet?"

I frown again. "She's defending my name? Why?"

"Because she doesn't want people to think your an asshole and ruin your upcoming career. Nice of her, isn't it?" She snaps. "God, I should've not let her defend you. You're pathetic, Brady. You gotta clean up your act if you wanna be successful in life. And I'm not just talking about acting, you're great at that, but what you're not good at is admitting you're wrong. You're gonna lose friends if you keep this shit up, dude. Connor's insanely mad at you, as I'm sure you can tell, and the rest of your friends aren't to happy either. Everyone loves Athena, so you being an ass pisses us the fuck off. Change up your act before you lose your friends."

I nod. "I will. I just— I didn't think before I spoke, and I felt really bad after. I'm gonna apologize to her in history, I promise."

"You better. If you pull some shit like this again, you might just end up friendless and disliked on social media." Cleo replies.

"Is this more blackmail?" I ask her, and she shakes her head.

"No, that's a threat. Watch your back, Noon." She says calmly. "Your brother can't save you from this, no matter how close I am with him."

I swallow nervously. Goddamn, she's scary.

"Alright, I get it..." I mumble. "Is she still in the cafeteria?"

"Yeah, but you're not gonna apologize until history. She'll assume we said something to you, and she told us to let you be because she promised you she'd leave you alone." Cleo says slowly.

"Right." I nod. "I won't say anything until history. Uhm... thanks."

"For what?" She asks me, seeking confused.

"Putting me in my place. It was needed. My behavior was fucked up." I avoid her eyes, and she nods.

"It was. I respect that you can at least acknowledge it." She smiles a little, then goes serious again. "Fix your attitude issue before speaking to Athena again, too. She doesn't have the time to deal with your moody ass all the time."

I nod. "Got it."

She walks off in the same direction Connor did, and I sigh to myself. Goddamn, I really was being an asshole... I didn't mean to make her cry.

❝ 🏐📷🎧🍙☕️ ❞


that took me like 20 minutes to write I was on a roll so if there's a double update today!! Brady definitely got humbled this chapter 🤡.

You think they were a little harsh or you think it was needed what they said? Did y'all expect connor to be that defensive over Athena??

I can't wait for them to really become friends bc the tension starts there and I'm very very excited to start writing that.

thank you so so much for reading I love you all so much!!

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