Enzo's shift should end around midnight. That's what he said and he promised if I needed him before then, he would leave duty and deal with Titus later for it. I was grateful for that.

Closing my eyes again, I try to will myself to sleep. If I could just pass the time with that, it would go a lot faster and hopefully when I woke again, Enzo would be the one looking down on me with those pretty hazel eyes.

Just three more hours and I'll have my chosen mate. That's a secret of mine. Enzo doesn't know. Titus doesn't know, but I've chosen Enzo. He was mine and I would keep that close to my heart until I could figure out a way to mark him.


My eyes crack open again to see that it's only been an hour since closing them and my heart plummets a little.


That's depressing in all its forms. Two more hours and I'll have my mate. But that seems too long.

Slowly other voices start to filter in and I find Bryce's pregnant shewolf, Harlow in my hospital room talking to Ryker while Bray kept Sienna busy on the opposite side. Although Sienna looked a hair off from slicing Harlow's throat.

"Where's Bryce though? I need him right now." Harlow pleads.

"You don't need him, you harlot," Sienna sneers from the other side of the room. "You just like getting under my skin. You've been assigned people to care for you. Ask them for help!"

"They're not the fathers of my pup!" Harlow snarls.

"Neither is Bryce!" Sienna snarls back, trying to shove last Bray but the large warrior doesn't allow it and Sienna scoffs a mixture of a laugh and a huff before she starts pacing.

"Harlow," Ryker sighs heavily, obviously exasperated with the girl. We all were. "Your pack attendees can help you with whatever you need. Bryce is on border patrol tonight and we have important matters to attend to."

When Ryker gestures towards me, Harlow looks over and I swear I see a hint of a smirk playing on her lips. I hate her. I really do.

"Looks like the Lunos is really suffering over there," Harlow comments. "I wonder how the Council and King Kano will feel about this? Alpha Titus putting his mate in the hospital, rendering him mute? It's outrageous really."

Ryker growls, but doesn't respond to that. "Harlow please leave. Bryce will come and speak to you when he's off his shift."

"And if I go into premature labor?" She bites back, rubbing her huge belly. "Then what? I need to be able to link him but he shut me out!"

"I'm sure if you went into premature labor, the attendees that Bryce and Alpha have assigned to you, would bring you straight here and you would be taken care of," Ryker reassures her, already figuring out a way to shuffle her towards the door. "Now please leave. You're upsetting the Lunos with all of these dramatics."

If I could laugh, I would. Ryker was the best and ironically, overly dramatic himself. Especially when it came to sing alongs.

"Fine," Harlow gives in. "But at least tell me which border he's at, just in case. Please."

Ryker doesn't divulge that information. It's Bray who speaks up this time. "Bryce is with a few warriors on the eastern side, there's warriors on the northern side and the southern side while Alpha and Beta Enzo are on the western side. They're closest to the packhouse. So if need anything, Alpha and Beta will get to you first."

Harlow stumbles on a response to that but eventually nods and then leaves the room and I'm thankful for it. I didn't need any extra dramatics to deal with. I was dealing with enough.

𝐀𝐋𝐏𝐇𝐀 𝐓𝐈𝐓𝐔𝐒  [ 𝐌𝐱𝐌 ]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant