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Author's Note: I imagine Riley to look a lot like Max Irons/Theo James. Please tell me what you think!

Thank you for reading<3




Riley's P.O.V

Earlier I had taken the young girl's phone, I say young but I'm twenty and I doubt I'm that much older than her. Seventeen? Eighteen? Anyway, I was lucky to find her mobile was unlocked. She had over a hundred missed calls. Sarah, Dad, Aiden, Faye, Beau, Jai, Daniel, James, Luke. This girl also had so many texts. I decided to reply to the most recent one:

'Mai! We are all SO worried! Please say you're okay! We've been out all night looking for you!!' -Beau x

I replied:

'She's okay. Come meet me in an hour at the beach. I take it you're her boyfriend? Come alone.'

In a few seconds a reply flooded through the mobile:

'You better not have touched her! I swear to God, I'll kill you if you've hurt her. Bring her with you.' -Beau x

Okay, so this guy is angry. I want to help her. But how? Eric will kill me if I help her. But if I don't help her he might kill her.

And time was against me.

What do I do? What do I do? What do I do?

'Luke x is calling'

Who the hell is Luke? Do I answer? Put him out of his misery, too?

"Hello?" I asked, then I suddenly realised this is probably just an empty threat call.

"What are you doing? What the hell do you think you're playing at? The police are-"

"Woah, woah, woah. I'm trying to help you okay," I hushed my voice, even though I was in my own room. "It's difficult."

"Just bring her back to us," he pleaded.

"I can't just do that, it isn't that simple." I muttered.

"Well, if you can't bring her to us. We'll go to her."

"That might not be such a bad idea, actually." I admitted, thinking it through. I needed to find out how Eric was going to make money out of her, maybe they could pretend they wanted her and then run off or something. I shivered thinking about the consequences if this all went wrong.


Before I could answer his question, my door knocked and someone came in. It was Eric. I quickly ended the call and shoved the phone in my pocket.

"Who was that?" his lips curved into smile as he noticed my worried expression.

"No one." I rushed, suspiciously. Damn. Damn. Damn.

"What's that in your pocket?"


He stood in front of me. His impatient eyes searching me for some kind of information.

"Very well. You'll be pleased to know the new girl you brought in has already needed to be put on sleeping drugs. You're right, she is a fighter." he chuckled


He made me feel sick, "yeah, I was right."

"I haven't quite decided what to do with her. Maybe keep her for myself." Eric winked, the piercings on his right eyebrow shining. When he didn't get a reply out of me; he left.

'Meet me in an hour then, by the surf board stand. If you want to save her, don't tell anyone!' I texted both Luke and Beau. I could only hope to save this girl. Why was I doing it anyway? I mean, I could get killed myself. I don't know, just something about her. Something innocent and pure. I just felt drawn to protect her.

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