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Author's Note: Any feedback is most welcome! Please, anything! Haha, thank you for reading. I promise it does get MUCH more interesting. This chapter is just to let you get to know a few characters and it just hints a few things that will happen later in the story. Thank you!

Also feel free to tweet me @alwaysjanoskian. Do ask for a follow back! 




After rummaging through my pastel-coloured beach bag for a few minutes, I finally came across the item I had longed for. The tatty pages had slightly worn away but the words could affect me all the same. From my seat I could see my older brother playing volleyball; he desperately wanted to play professionally.

"Why don't you join your brother and play?" my step-mum suggested, kindly. I knew she was trying to make some sort of effort with me but I couldn't help but almost choke on my drink at here offer.

"Me and sports? No, thank you." I laughed to show I meant no offence by my comment but she still seemed to take it to heart.

"Go on, Mai. I need you to get him over here anyway. We're going back home in a bit," my Dad ushered. 'Home' I thought. Australia isn't our home. London is. I want to go back so desperately. "Besides, it'll do you some good to get your head out of a book."

I sighed. The Australian heat wasn't at it's peak yet but I was boiling. I put on a white, floaty, semi-see-through t-shirt and a pair of grey shorts over my black bikini. I tucked my book back into my bag and started to walk over.

"Aiden, Dad wants you." I said, crossing my arms impatiently.

"Yeah, yeah whatever. One more game... we're about to win." Aiden replied, without even looking at me.

"About to win, pfft, over my dead body!" an Australian voice scoffed from the other side of the net. I laughed because Aiden hates to lose.

"Maisie, we're about to start so you can either sit over there or go back to Mum and Dad." Aiden gestured to the side, next to a boy who was watching. He smiled at me when I looked over and as he did I noticed his lip-ring glistening in the sun. I kindly smiled back.

"Fine," I sat next to the boy who seemed to be around my age anyway.

"You're British?" he asked, in his accent.

"Yeah, our Dad might be getting a job over here; hopefully not though." I confessed.

"Why? You don't like us Aussies?" he pouted which made me laugh, again.

"Luke, stop flirting!" the familiar voice that had recently taunted Aiden from the other side of the net spoke again.

"What would you know about flirting, Beau?" Luke retorted and in the few seconds that Beau was distracted; Aiden scored.


"Yes! Aiden, let's go." I grinned, happy to go home. Australia seemed lovely, the people were nice and it seemed like a good place to live but I would miss home too much.

"Wait, I didn't get your name." Luke rushed as I got up.

"Or your number," Beau winked, jokingly... I think.

"Rematch tomorrow?" Aiden offered.

"No, no, no, no, no." I repeated before Beau could answer.

"And why not?" Beau chuckled.

"Because tomorrow we have to look at jobs and stuff for us, if we're going to live here that is." I replied, sadly.

Luke, however, looked quite happy at what I had just said. "We could help you! Where do you live?"

Aiden told them our address and it turns out the boys live around the corner. Great, looks like there'll be a few more volleyball rematches(!)

"How old are you?" Luke asked before ducking his head and allowing his cheeks to rush a rose-pink.

"Seventeen." I replied.

"AIDEN! MAISIE! HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE?" my Dad shouted down the beach. How embarrassing!

"Oh, I'm eighteen. I work here as a lifeguard occasionally but I really want to be a film maker. I don't really want to be in the movies. More like an editor, actually. Yeah." Luke rushed, lifting his head and smiled again, seeming to have not heard our Dad. "See you around, Maisie." Oh, looks like he did.

"Bye Aids!" Beau laughed.

"Bye Beau-job." Aiden laughed back.

"C'mon at least try and be original, governor!" Beau attempted a British accent but failed.

"HURRY UP!" Dad shouted again.


Tap, tap, tap. What on Earth, I thought. I rolled over to look on my bedside table at my alarm clock to see it was seven in the morning; on a weekend. I groaned and closed my eyes again to hear more inconsistent noises seeming to come from my window. Tap... Tap... Tap, tap, tap... Tap... Tap, tap... Tap, tap.

I got out of bed and put on a hoody over my pyjamas and quickly put my hair into a messy bun on the top of my head. It was that boy from the beach today. I opened my window and hissed.

"What could you possibly want at this time!?"

"Um, I thought I could show you around and stuff. Sorry, it was stupid. I shouldn't have woken you up." he looked to the ground, disappointedly.

"Shut up, Luke. I'm just not a morning person, alright? Thanks for the offer but can you come back at eleven? I'll be ready then. Night."

Luke smiled from ear to ear and began walking home... or more like skipping.

I fell back and set my abstract, square alarm clock for nine thirty. I love my bed, was the second to last thought before I feel asleep again. My last thought though was Luke.

An Australian Summer (Janoskian/Luke Brooks fanfiction)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara