As he started showing me the video, explaining me certain mechanical differences between his and the winner's kart, I started understanding again why my old friends were precious; we were different, yet we enjoyed each other's company. Sam was similar in that manner, yet entirely different from anyone I have had the luck to meet in my life. He seems trustworthy, but I have to keep things casual for now. I don't want to get hurt again or press him to be my friend.

After about twenty minutes we decided to take a walk, while he was asking me questions about an MMA match he saw yesterday and what kind of names certain moves had. I was laughing as I saw him trying to comically mimic the moves, appreciating the fact that he was trying to cheer me up.

When was it the last time anyone beside my family that tried to do this for me? I shook the negative thoughts that were ever present in my head away and as I looked in Sam's eyes to give him a smile of gratitude, my body froze.

I saw someone walk a few meters behind us and he seemed a little bit familiar in the sunset lights.

'Sam' I said in a whisper. His moves halted, his smile still on his face. As soon as he read my expression, he got serious.

'Is there someone behind me?'

'Yes, one of the people that attacked me and Zane.'

He slowly turned around and saw the guy strolling towards a grocery shop. His face was illuminated fully by the street lamps and I was certain.

'What do we do?'

I looked at Sam, his face was hard as stone, his phone already in hand.

I shook my head 'better not-' I paused as I looked down. Wait. This guy should have still been behind bars right? Unless he is under-age. But the fact that he is out of prison so soon made me feel uneasy. Plus, he was a few blocks away from me and Zane's houses.


Oh crap! 'Sam, remember that I would ask you at some point to do something for me, no questions asked?'

He nodded with a trickster smile on his face 'I can beat him up. Oh I can call the guys too to have their fair share-' as soon as he unlocked his phone to call his friends, I shook him by the shoulder, making him look at me properly.

'Nothing of the sort. I just want to know one thing. Who he is. The police didn't give us details for further discretion, but the fact that this asshole is out of prison, may mean a danger to me or Zane. So my favour is, can you please take a picture of him while he is in the grocery store and circulate it to your friends? Supposedly, the guys that attacked me were already known as a troublesome group, so if anyone knows anything about them would be a good help.'

He looked at me seriously 'are sure you don't want to return the favour? He is alone, vulnerable. A couple of scarves over our faces and we will beat him senseless without knowing who we are.'

The cold tone colouring his voice suited Sam. There might be some true in the thug rumours after all. I smiled amused at his brashness.

'Just knowing who he is will be fine. Because if he is out of prison, his friends might be too. This is serious Sam, no matter how much we like each other's company, I would never put you in harm's way, is that understood?'

He cocked his eyebrows at me 'so you like my company, sugar?' I chuckled surprised at his tone changing from ice cold to flirty 'as you want master. Go home, I will take his picture while you are away. He shouldn't suspect you.'

I nodded as I clapped my right hand on his left shoulder 'thank you man. And be careful.'

'I am a thug, Alexis. He dares touch me, I will destroy him from head to toe. So don't worry' he winked at me with a dirty smile after his very threatening statement and he walked casually towards the grocery store while waving discreetly at me.

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