swimming like a crocodile.

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The Japanese freighter Eiko-maru has been sailing at sea for a long time. So far no complications. Until now.

'We must already be close to Odo Island." A man weighed, observing the sea, today it was beautiful. The sunlight reflected very well on the sea.

Without him noticing, a silhouette was swimming beneath the freighter.

"Wow!" Several of the men who were there screamed at the sudden tremor of the ship.

"What it was?!"

"Could it be a titan? Today was a really beautiful day for the radar to break down."

"Was it a titan?"

"No, the titans in this region are generally very calm, it must have been something else." the older man in the tribulation began to stroke his beard as they thought about something. !"

Another tremor hit the freighter, almost capsizing the ship.

"But what in mothra's name is going on?!" Everyone hears the captain shout from his cabin.

Everyone watching The youngest of the crew pointing at the target on the ship's deck.

Oh my God...

Two huge claws grabbed the side of the freighter, then, whatever that thing was, began to pull the ship, making it tilt. Several of the containers began to fall into the sea.

The crew tried to hold on to anything they could to avoid falling into the sea.

The older man is holding onto a post-like structure. "Please don't let me go!" The youngest shouted.

The man tried, he really tried, but he couldn't. The young man's hand slipped and he fell. The older man watched as a reptilian head emerged from the water, his eyes focused on the young man who was falling towards him.

A man swore he saw malice in this sea monster's eyes as it opened its mouth to reveal several super-sharp teeth.

The last thing he saw was the young man screaming as he fell into the jaws of this monster, which closed like a gate full of thorns.
At the moment.

"Aaaaaaaaah!" Goji was suddenly woken up by the girl's scream.

"Ah... It wasn't a dream." Anne and Goji saw that Sprig, Hop Pop and Polly were looking at them.

"Good morning Anne! Good morning Goji! Did you sleep well?"

"Poor thing! we don't know if they're hungry..." said Hop pop.

"Our guts!" Polly screamed at a rolling pin.

"Calm down guys, I would never eat anything that hasn't been washed." Goji had to agree with her. Hop pop was so dirty there were flies flying all over it. The frog sinned them all with his tongue and ate them.

"I agree." Even the old man agrees...

"See, I told you they're harmless." Well, Goji doesn't seem to be very aggressive although I have crushed an otachi's head...

"Um for now." said Hop pop, he goes up the basement stairs. Polly was following him, but stopped and looked at them.

"Just give me one reason to use old Doris here." She finally goes up.

Was that a threat?

"I don't think that little thing likes us."

"Yeah. Hey, you guys must be so excited to be stuck in another world, I'm so jealous." He reached the mattress they were lying on.

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