Octavia (part 2)

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Mainly her bio:

Octavia grew up in Fontaine and was taken care of by her grandmother.
She doesn't remember her father since he supposedly had died, shortly after her birth. As for her mother, she was very ill soon died leaving Octavia to stay with her grandmother.

Octavia although sadden it didn't stop her from having a happy childhood, and picked up on her love music and fine arts quickly. Her grandmother taught her out to play the violin, piano, flute, and a lot of other instruments. Even taught her how to be a ballerina, and took her to loads of operas, concerts, and more.

In her adult life she soon created the étoile troupe, and the small troupe went on to do loads of performances for the people of Fontaine. Despite stasis being a feared element, they did well portraying the mystical wonders of the element from the dreams to the winter seasons.
That being said, the Étoile troupe would always be very popular during the winter months of Fontaine.

However, shortly Count Chandler took power the étoile group lost a lot of their big sponsors, and face many financial problems and issues. Very soon Octavia being the last one to remain as a musician. The other either fled Fontaine, got arrested, and changed career paths entirely.

During her loneliness, she was about to give up her dream to be a great musician. Until, she was visited by little music notes one night.
She found Piccolo and the rest of his family playing on her piano.

Finding amusement among them she began to play songs with them, and the small bond they shared reminded her of the familiar bond on what music brought together. It was also this same night she gained her stasis Anemo vision, that was siting on top of her violin.

Upon collecting her vision there was raven black feather as well, and although she wasn't visited by Barika. She believed this was a small message to inspire her to keeping going, a message received by Summer.

Since that night Octavia kept her vision and the music notes a secret, and continues to try to keep her hobby alive. Although, the more she struggles and fights back the more vicious the Count gets.
She had dealt with burglary, intimidation, house eviction threats, and many more. However, she stills continued her path and still tries in hopes justice will be served.

Music Notes:

She can recall the music notes in her dreams from time to time, and believes they manifested from her dreams. At first, she thought they were created by an Archon. However, when she is able to summon them and even understand them. She firmly believes they are unique to her, therefore they are hers and views them as her own children.


Following the history of Fontaine being originally Oceannids.
Octavia is more related to stasis oceanids.
Stasis Oceanids are mainly lived in the darkest parts of the water, like abyss sea creatures.

That being said, Octavia does have bioluminescence herself. It's not in her body but actually her hair that can glow, however it only glows up she sings a certain song.
The song has unknown origin but something that stasis oceanids learn to know when born. Many believe Oceanus made it but this theory was scrapped early on, because the song only started to be passed around when Barika ascended into godhood.

Therefore, Octavia finely believes the Song of the Deep comes from Barika. The first Archon who also shares the same bioluminescent feature, according to old accounts and stories.

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