Stasis Archons (part 1)

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Stasis was originally formed out of large concentrations of emotions. Mostly hate and anger in the early stages, over time it mellowed out and became more relaxed.

Stasis Archons are usually never the one entirely in charge of a region. They are more like an assistant or overseer at night time, as to what their title suggests and goal. Usually it's the counterpart or something associated with the main archon. If the case ever calls for them to take absolute authority over a region, it's not a bad thing although it never happened before.

The region would becoming a city of night, where people sleep during the day and be awake at night with their archon, which a change would take time and cannot happen over night. The stasis archon could of course change their own sleep schedule, but the drawbacks is they would be a bit weaker.

Stasis archons are a lot stronger at night, especially during the full moon where they are exposed to the moonlight. The moons gives off a faint energy source that is healthy for them and something they need.

Current Stasis Archons:

Summer - God of Muses (Anemo)
Huangyun- God of Secrets (Geo)
Kalinda - God of Suffering (Electro)
Tariks - God of Insight (Dendro)
Barika - God of Thieves [Security] (hydro)
??? - ????God of Peace???? (Pryo)
Maurus/Kaval - God of Dreams (cryo)

Out of the seven, Maurus aka Kaval is the strongest and senior above them all. He is the only one of the seven that can control other versions of Stasis, and not just cryo. Although this usually takes a great toll on his body unless he is in dragon form.
Every Stasis Archons possesses a dragon or Apex predator form, with dragons usually being the most common.

Regional Laws -

Each nation's viewpoint on stasis differs but starting from Mondstadt and following the traveler's journey. Each nation is more strict and hostile towards stasis, going as far as outlawing the use of the element and forbidding any form of worship towards the stasis archon.

Monstandt being the only nation where stasis is free to be used and to be worshipped.

Liyue being the second most free although Stasis was banned from use unless through a license, worship towards Huangyun was okay.

Starting with Inazuma is when it gets worse for Stasis and its Archon, leading to many issues, trauma, and possibly calamity with each Region.


stasis archons sadly usually suffer a common trait and that is some form of Trauma or illness, either developed or given by their own family.
For example, Kaval has major trust issues and bitterness towards his sister the Tsarista.
Kalinda suffered constant domestic abuse, Tariks suffers from the illness and lost his voice to it, Barika has abandonment issues, Huangyun is often neglected, and finally Absalom is often hunted and persecuted by his own sister.

Element Drawbacks:

Stasis is still considered unstable and preys on the users emotions, which can cause the element to back fire or become the embodiment of said emotion.
If someone is angry then stasis will be a sudden burst of uncontrolled and collateral damage.

The element's major downfall is turning on the user, and actually damages them if their negative thoughts get too great.
Depending on the element is where this drawback differs.

- Anemo and Hydro are similar with the user getting cut up, and hydro being more unique by making the user feel like they are drowning.
Which they are because stasis hydro is filling up their lungs with water.

- Stasis Geo slowly has rocks and maybe crystals grow on the user, thus can result to the user collapsing when their bones break due to the weight.

- stasis electro and stasis pyro damage the user directly through electrocution or burning the user to the death.

- stasis dendro is a slow and painful effect, the user will cough up flowers and petals, have vines with thorns coming out of their body. Until the user is literally bleeding from the mouth and eyes from massive internal bleeding.

- stasis cryo another slow killer, makes the user freeze from the inside outside. They will have frost and ice grow in their body, until their heart or brain is frozen solid. Once they are frozen any hard impact will shatter the user.

Any of these drawbacks can lead to the death and serious wounds, and sometimes might even cause paralysis or brain damage if the user somehow survived the occurrence.

This drawback is the reason why stasis got a bad reputation in the first place, since people didn't understand why it would do such a thing. Over time and through research, it was then discovered the element does has a self-defense protocol.

Reason being, stasis and nightmares are similar in nature and have the same principles. The stasis only turns on its user if the nightmare within the user is taking over, so essentially killing you to prevent you from becoming a monster.

A nightmare is a parasite entity that takes the form of nightmares, where they prey on a host's dreams, emotions, and desires. Slowly feeding off them to become stronger, and the side effect is the host getting reoccurring nightmares (thus the name).

Night terrors are greater nightmares who have been around for a while, and have consumed enough energy to be able to combat and deal with the archons.

There is at least one night terror in every region, and they are not easy to kill. Night terrors wield great power and tend to be more cunning and troublesome than the smaller parasites.

With the two being somewhat similar, it's commonly believed among the celestial that Stasis Archons are actually nightmares themselves. This theory and idea is not too far fetched, because the archons have shown to become corrupted and become nightmares themselves.

Often called the nightmare effect, usually due to their powers becoming unstable.

The only Stasis Archon that was known to have become a nightmare was Styrmir, the stasis archon before Summer. It was unclear how it happened, but he is currently the night terror in Mondstadt although he has yet to make an appearance.

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