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Name: Ekiya

Gender: male/female

Species: Dragon

Element: stasis

Family: ???


Bio: Ekyia is the sovereign dragon of stasis, when all the keys are combined and the stasis archons combine

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Ekyia is the sovereign dragon of stasis, when all the keys are combined and the stasis archons combine.

The seven stasis archons are fragments of Ekyia, each representing an element and major trait of Ekyia.
Each head of the Hydra has a different voice, sometimes female or male. Their eyes are different colors represent the element they are.

Ekyia often nicknamed the Union or Unity by some, acts like a hive mind dragon. The heads don't have a mind of their own and move towards unity and become one.
If one disrupts this unit Ekyia becomes mentally unstable, and it hurts their mind greatly.

Seven Stasis Archons are not aware of Ekyia, when they split into who they are. It's for a good reason because mentioning the name of Ekyia to one or all of them will trigger a panic attack. They will somewhat remember being Ekyia and tend to have a mental breakdown when they notice they are not whole.

Thus leadings to the Tsarista's plan who was the one who split Ekyia up...
She wanted to create a weapon to use against Celestia, so in using Ekyia she tortured and forcefully had the dragon split apart.
Creating Stasis Cryo first that was forged through hate and anger, creating the Aggression of Ekyia (Artemis at the time).

Now as she collects the gnosis she is also collecting the keys as well, so when the times comes to fight against the heavenly principles and celestia she will have a trump card.

(This is still a work in progress so this is just a rough draft and subject to change)


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