Chapter 7

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When I reach the lab, no one is there. It's just an empty and messy lab with all kinds of tools and chemicals.

"We are in the testing room," Amy says in my head.

That makes sense, I think to myself. Why would they be here if Lucy needs to do some tests and train my incarnation?

I walk to the door in the back of the room then head out of the lab into the test rooms. I look around and see three different rooms with equipment set up in each. There was one room to the left, the right, and in front of me.

Lucy walks out of the room in front of me and says, "Oh good, you're here now. Follow me."

Lucy walks back into the room and I follow her back into it.

"By the way," Lucy says. "I heard you, Scorch, and Jasmine had a match. Did you ever use incarnation during it?"

"No," I respond. I don't remember using any, but then again, I have never used it on command yet so I could easily have done it without realizing.

"Then let's get started," Lucy says. "Just know that the way to use incarnation is different for most people. Sometimes it can be caused by strong emotions, fight or flight, or pressure. Those are just a few examples though. The trigger is different for a lot of people. For you though it just seems to be when you subconsciously want to do something. You don't realize it, but you are subconsciously controlling it already. We just need to get it to a point where you can control it completely. Once we get there then it is up to you to get better at it and do more with it and increase the effectiveness of it."

"How do you know this much?" I ask.

Lucy sighs and says, "Years of studying it, I guess. It's been a while since I first met a real-worlder. I hope you don't mind if I study your incarnation from time to time."

I respond with a smile, "I'm good with that. With what you did earlier it doesn't seem like experimenting with it would hurt. Plus, I could use your experiments to test my limits and see the areas to improve more." I gave her a thumbs up.

Lucy sighs a sigh of relief and says, "Thanks a lot. That will help a lot."

"Anytime," I respond.

Lucy says, "You already participated in a fight so we can get that out of the way. Let's try this for now."

She walks over to the center of the room where there is a large boulder.

I ask, "I have to break that, don't I?"

Lucy responds, "Eventually, yes. This boulder will help you channel your incarnation. You can either use your sword or fist. I'd recommend something like a stick though, so you don't hurt yourself or break something valuable."

I ask, curious, "Channel my incarnation? Meaning get me to use my incarnation to break it?"

"Exactly, and to do that, you need to use your incarnation to make your physical attack stronger, a blade sharper, or a blunt weapon stronger."

"You said I will get this eventually though. Why start with it?"

"It will help you start. You will most likely not be able to do it first try. But what it will do is start getting you to channel your incarnation. From there it will get stronger and reach a point that you can shatter this boulder."

I walk up to the boulder and use my knuckle to knock on it like I would a door. It didn't feel hollow, and I could also feel the rough texture.

"Checking if it is real, huh?" I hear Amy ask from behind me.

I turn around to see both her and Monika watching from the doorway.

"You could say that," I respond.

Lucy chuckles to herself and says, "Don't worry, it's a real boulder. I'm not the kind of person to make it too easy and just be a confidence booster or make it impossible. I need to see you be able to master incarnation."

Endless Worlds Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now