Chapter 3

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"What happened?" Amy asks, I can see her shaking a bit as if she knew what was going on.

"We don't have time for that now, I will tell you later. For now, we must figure out what they want. Ashlyn and the man from earlier are waiting. They're saying they want to meet with all of us," Monika says and seems to be in a hurry.

"Let's go then," Amy says. She grabs my wrist and starts pulling me as she and Monika start running.

"I can walk myself you know," I say, partly annoyed.

They both just ignore me and head back to the council room dragging me with them. 

When we got there, I saw a big ship and two people standing in front of it. One of which was the man from before and the other was a woman with short black hair and a long black coat, also in her twenties it seemed. Why is there such an age difference between the two if they were both in school at the same time? I think to myself. Monika said that they both went to the same school. How is one in their twenties and one my age? I'm only 16.

"They want something, don't they?" Amy continues.

"We think so. But they said they won't tell us what until we are all there." Monika explains.

"Why do they want everyone there?" I ask.

Monika and Amy then just looked at me, looked at each other, and then Monika looked down at the ground, her face darkened. I can tell that there is something going on now.

Monika though says, in a sorrowful way, "We don't know yet, but it can't be good."

"We're here," Amy says as we arrive back at the meeting dome from earlier.

I can feel the fear and tension all around me. It makes me uneasy, but I must keep myself together. I can't start falling apart now. Especially when they might need me for what's coming up.

We walk around the dome to the other side where I see everyone standing, weapons ready by the dome, and the Ashlyn and that man standing in front of their ship. No snakes though, which is a bit strange. I would've expected at least one to guard them.

"Everyone's here now it seems," The man says, when he notices us walk nearby.

"So, what did you want?" Scorch asks, seeming slightly agitated.

"Ya, you attacked earlier but now all you want to do is talk," says a girl with purple hoodie and black sweatpants.

"Amy, Scorch," Monika says as the three of us join the group. "Calm down, let's hear them out for now."

Scorch stays quiet but then Pearl steps up and asks, "Why exactly did you want everyone here?"

Ashlyn just stays quiet, but the man speaks up, "We have our reasons, and we also have reasons not to explain them."

Everyone is keeping secrets; I think to myself.

Then Ashlyn starts to talk, "You know what we are here for Monika." Monika's face then starts to grow grim as Ashlyn continues to speak, "Either one is fine, the gate or him."

"You already have someone, why would you need more?" Monika asks Ashlyn, her face still looking down at the ground, her voice quaking.

"The power of incarnation is something that will be quite useful to my upcoming plan. If I can raise an army of real-worlders, I'll be unstoppable." A smile appears on Ashlyn's face as she says that. 

I don't know what is going on, real-worlders and incarnation, they seem to be terms I should have known. And who does Ashlyn want, and what gate? I have so many questions. Amy and Monika had better answer them all after this.

Endless Worlds Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now