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(this one is full of dialogue boyos.)

Once all the Grimm are cleared out, the two platoons enter back into their respective Helicopters and fly away towards the base in the forest.

I turn to the others and smile under my scarf.

Red: "So.. What do you guys think of my platoons~?"

Ruby: "Cool guns!"

Blake: "Terrifying."

Yang: "I can agree with Blake."

Weiss: "Insanely powerful."

Oobleck: "Interesting..."

Red: "Good observation."

Oobleck: "Well, Girls I suppose you did.. A good job today."

Red: "Yeah.. I guess."

Ruby: "Yes!"

Yang: "Definitely did.."

Weiss: "Yes.."

Blake: "Yup.."

Oobleck: "And, Red, I'm sure Ozpin would like to meet you after this."


Ironwood and Ozpin glare at me, the latter, calmly.

Red: "Crap.."

Ozpin: "So you were keeping a very powerful army, with the power to destroy Atlas's army?"

Red: "Y- Yeah?"

"I- I swear it isn't THAT powerful.."

Ironwood: "Your weapons outmatch even the best our Armorers can create, that is NOT "Not so powerful" And your.. soldiers! They use tactics akin to soldiers trained in a fight with Ranged weapons!"

Red: "Well you aren't wrong.."

Ironwood: "So is this why you DON'T want me to examine your weapons?!"

Red: "I guess.."

Ozpin: "Now, now, James, let's be civil about this."

Ironwood: "How can we be civil when she has the power to destroy my whole army!"

I get a bit annoyed and look towards him

Red: "If was to destroy your army, YOU wouldn't be here! Let alone this city!"

Both: "What.."

Red: "Nothing... The point is, I haven't destroyed your army yet, Heck if you were to fight my army, I would probably lose!"


Ironwood: "You.. Have a point.."

Ozpin: "Well, James, You may leave now. Red, Stay here and discuss with me about your upcoming.. "Initiation"."

Ironwood: "Yes, Ozpin."

genral ironwid leaves the room and enters the elevator.

Ozpin: "Now, Red, How would you like your initiation be like?"

Red: "Eh... Keep it like the others, just.. Ramp up the difficulty. Oh and, can you broadcast it?"

Ozpin: "Sure, We can arrange that."

Red: "Great! Oh and, when do I do it?"

Ozpin: "To make room for the Mid-Year holiday, Tommorow."

Red: "Crap.. Alright.."

Ozpin: "I suppose that's all."

"You may leave now."

I get up and walk toward the elevator before Ozpin speaks.

Toolguns and Grimm: A GMOD X RWBY storyWhere stories live. Discover now