[[LOG #1]]

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Voice: "Log, begin."

Red: "Hello, This is Red. or. whatever my old name was... It's been a week since I've been stranded in here, Im now infused with some form of GMOD powers. I'm not sure how to describe it, but Im in this school called Beacon in the Kingdom of Vale, I've made a few friends and they've been kind to me. I hope everything is fine, This world's history is quite interesting, to say the least, Not many wars but one war is indefinite, the Grimm war, killing these things called Grimm. Fought one in Grimm studies, They are vulnerable to standard munitions or Pulse bullets, If not hit at the bone armor. I've noticed that many Remnatian weapons are less powerful, even though they seem to use the same calibers as me."


"Honestly... Things are going great, Not in a sense great as I'm at home but... Something along the lines of that, Anyway this is Red, Signing off. And I also need to learn to make a good Log."

Voice: "Log, End."


(I just wanted to put something out before I die again. Anyway, Red out.)

Toolguns and Grimm: A GMOD X RWBY storyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon