God Given Right to Fight.

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Red: "Are you ready?"

Yang: "Y- yes?"

Blake: "Maybe..?"

Weiss: "Sure.."

Red: "Alright..."

"I'm not from around here."

Weiss: "Are you from some other city? That's norma-"

Red: "Not from this planet."

They all stare at me, before slowly reaching for their weapons.

Red: "I'm not an alien! Calm down!"

Weiss: "How can we sure?"

Blake: "You could be a shapeshifter under that mask!"

Red: "I-"

I sigh

Red: "Fine.. I'll take this thing off.. God.. Damnit.."

I take off the Balaclava and let my Hair flow

Red: "Huh.. I didn't notice I had my actual appearance here."

Weiss: "Your- (You're Weiss, Say it properly you deustche fool) -You're a-"

Red: "It was not apparent in the voice? Oh wait there's a reason I trained my voice to be able to become male and female."

Blake: "What?"

Red: "Nothing."

"Oh and I know Oobleck's awake right now, Keep this a secret or I'll destroy your whole family tree."

Oobleck: "*scared stealth breathing*"

Blake: "So.. Why were you hiding this from us? From the world?"

Red: "I determined it would.. probably cause mass panic and chaos. You know.. Some people are.. Not the most... open minded..."

"Fear mongering.. Stirring up unrest.. Being general assholes.. I know that happened when new things that seemed unbelievable before appeared in my world.. I don't want this world to have that aswell.."

Yang: "Uh.. What's this.. World you talk about?"

Red: "Earth.. Terra.. Homeworld- Or I should say.. One of the worlds Humanity thrived in, One of the more.. Successful place it did."

Weiss: "What do you mean?"

Red: "Eight, Billion, People, 117 if you count the dead.."


Red: "Yes, And the wars— Oh the wars.. They overshadow your wars by.. over.. 40 times."

Blake: "Wh- What?"

Red: "Your.. "Great war" had how many deaths now?"

Weiss: "Easy, 2 million."

Red: "Ours alone got 40 million, That's unconfirmed, That's also from one conflict alone!"

All (again): "WHAT?!"

Red: "Yes.. Tragic.. And one thing, One nation from my world can.. Easily, Eradicate, Grimm."

Weiss: "That's just insane! There's no way a army is more powerful than At-"

Red: "That nation spends 800 Billion dollars— About 1.2 trillion Lien A YEAR!"

Weiss: "My... Gods.."

Yang: "Uhm.. Can you.. Tell me, If grimm live on "Earth" Why do they have such a large army and still die from Grimm-"

Red: "What Grimm?"

Yang: "There's Gri-"

Red: "No."

Toolguns and Grimm: A GMOD X RWBY storyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora