Failed Brakes

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(waaa why does this story have 4k reads on it?????)

We quickly run onto the Train and jump up on it, Right before the thing started up and sped up down the tracks.

Oobleck: "Hurry, children! We must get to the front and stop this train!"

Weiss: "Eh.. Professor?"

Oobleck: "Doctor..."

She points down to a hatch

Weiss: "What's that?"

Oobleck: "That my dear... appears to be a bomb."

Red: "Contact, Front!"

Dozens of White Fang members can be seen climbing onto the top of the train.

Oobleck: "Well, I didn't expect them to go easy on us.."

The bomb underneath us charges up and starts beeping.

Oobleck: "Time to go!"

Oobleck suddenly stops me.

Oobleck: "Red, Detach the car! It will kill us all!"

Red: "Roger."

I jumps down onto the connectors and gets ready to cut the hook, but as I pull out my pistol, the hooks detach themselves.

Red: "It cut the hook itself!"

Oobleck: "What?!"

Yang: "I guess he really doesn't want us on the train."

As I look back at the detached cart, it explodes in the tunnel.

Oobleck: "That's not good..."

Ruby: "Eh.. neither is this!"

Blake: "Another bomb?!"

Oobleck suddenly runs up to the next car, and sees, Another. Bomb.

Oobleck: "They all have bombs!"

Yang: "This doesn't make sense!"

The White Fang members climbing the train suddenly come up again

White Fang Member: "Get the humans!"

Red: "Crap.."

Oobleck: "Oh..."

Grimm are now chasing the Train, persumably to the end of the tunnel.

Oobleck: " He's leading Grimm to the city!"

Red: "That's why I sent in Backup on the otherside!"

Oobleck: "Yes, Red, Now what is the Plan?"

Another car decouples itself.

Oobleck: "We have to hurry!"

Red: "Half of you! stay and clear the roof! Weiss, Blake, Come with me, We're going downside."

We quickly jump down, and into a open car window and slowly clear out the room.

Red: "Let's move! Form a triangle, I'll take point."

Weiss/Blake: "Sure..."

I kick down the door straight infront of us, and keep moving, About halfway there, the unbrella woman from before jumps down, somehow still alive from my beating. I point my Rifle at her, Laser on her chest.

Blake: "We'll take this one."

Red: "A- firm, I'll move up."

I continue on, Moving forward a few cars, while hearing the occasional footsteps from above. After a solid Minute of walking, I open the door to see a man with a chainsaw.

Toolguns and Grimm: A GMOD X RWBY storyWhere stories live. Discover now