The Girl of Her Dreams

Start from the beginning

A few days later.
Penda was still debating about Telling Fantasia her wife was cheating and playing her but she was running out of time. Every hour she wasted, Rita was taking a big step towards the finish line.

Rita is a fucking dirty Lawyer, and she doesn't lose.

Fantasia requested for the production to be postponed while they made changes to the script, cast, and set directory. It was giving a two-month breathing space.

The Opening of the center.
Rita was there, and Penda was there as her new sugar daddy's plus one. Fantasia saw them and just cringed, the guy was married and old as fuck, like 60, "I mean Penda is barely even 30." Fantasia thought out loud.

She was alone at the event. Not once did her wife introduce her to anybody, people usually get excited to introduce their spouses at events like this. Penda kept looking at her sitting at the bar. Feeling sorry for her, her heart was breaking seeing the woman she loved being played for a fool. She kept telling herself "Don't go over there Penda, she chose her wife. She chose her wife, she loves her wife!"

Rita approached Fantasia while Monica was very occupied with new sponsors. She was holding an envelope.
"Hi!" she said. Fantasia turned sipping her cocktail. "Hi!"
"Great event huh? Monica amazes me" Rita said. "uh well, she's amazing.".
"I'm Rita, her lawyer!"
"Rita huh, is that all you are to my wife?"
"no, I'm her future special somebody. This is for you, divorce papers from my client, and settlement of what my client wants, which is everything. Good luck!"

Fantasia's jaw dropped, she opened the envelope and gasped. She looked around for Monica but she saw Penda looking at her. She stormed out to get fresh air, holding her dress and the envelope in another hand.

Penda followed her outside.
"Are you okay?" Penda asked. Fantasia didn't turn because she didn't want Penda to see her cry. She just paused. "I just--I need fresh air, I'm fine, go back inside!" she said but Penda could hear that she was crying.

"What's that, Divorce papers?". Fantasia turned slowly. "What?"
"I saw you with her girlfriend. Her lawyer girlfriend, she gave you that, and now you crying, so I figured their plan is coming together" Penda said, snitching on herself.

"Whoa, what plan? How do you know all of this?"..
"I overheard them talk at the studio, she wants half of everything in the divorce to be with her,".

Fantasia sniffled. "and you knew? You knew they were planning to fuck up my life and you said nothing to me... You said you loved me, you just let me go through this?"

"Wow, wow Tasia, 'cause she's leaving you and somehow this is my fault? Because you love her and don't give a shit about me?"

Fantasia marched to her car. Penda felt bad. She loved the woman too damn much. She rushed to her, running in her heels. "Wait!"
Fantasia paused. "I didn't know what to do. I attempted to call you, I honestly didn't think you would believe me over your wife, after all, you chose her over me, I didn't wanna sound bitter and desperate. I'm sorry" Penda explained.
"I just wish you told me. A little heads up but I get it, it's none of your business and you sure stayed out of it. So, I can't blame you for that. By the way, she's not taking half of everything... She's taking everything. I--I feel stupid. I feel deceived and played. After everything I've done for her, I got her out of jail, I gave her a home, I planned vengeance for her, living two years of my life pretending to like somebody. I bought her this" She pointed at the building. "I did everything for that, that B, that... Fuck!" Fantasia barked. She paced away, tears shimmering down, they were unstoppable. She scared the shit out of Penda, cause she never saw her acting so frustrated before.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Penda asked.
"yes. Promise me that you will never love anyone so stupidly and insanely that you never see them coming. Never love a bitch so fucking hard, muthafuckers ain't any different from men,"

"Well, I would promise you, unfortunately, I'm already head over heels on this one. I'm already in love with this woman, even though she can't love me back, I don't seem to know how to stop loving her. So it is, too little too late for me. I'm just sad"
Penda said. Fantasia turned to her wiping her tears.

"How is it that I'm the one crying over some selfish bitch and you are the sad one?"
It was a rhetorical question.
"Maybe our sadness is not that different, both hung up on some bitch!"
Fantasia gasped, and they chuckled. Fantasia sniffled. "Thanks for that laugh, I needed that. And oh Penny... Our situation is way different" Fantasia said opening her car door.
"How do you figure? Is it because my Bitch isn't taking everything from me because well, I ain't got shit?"

"That and 'cause your... Girl is crazy about you too. She didn't choose you because she doesn't deserve you. You can do a whole lot better. Good night Penny, you look breathtaking tonight by the way." Fantasia said getting in her car.

"You leaving? What then? What's the plan?"

"There is actually no plan. I'm going home to drink my life away and sleep in my puke. I will carry the world's problems tomorrow. Tonight I just wanna drink and drink until I pass out"

"Well, can I drink with you?"
Fantasia looked at her. She opened her mouth to respond then saw Monica looking around for somebody, probably her.

"Bye Penda, I love you"
The car sprinted away, making that Beast Bentley sound
Monica marched towards Penda.

"Is that my wife?" she asked. "Soon to be ex-wife honey, I'm counting the days. You don't deserve her. You don't fucking love her like I do",
Monica looked at her and ran to her car.
"Is too fucking late, let her go!" Penda shouted. She was tipsy, so her desperation came out stronger. Monica got in her car and chased her wife.
"fuck!" Penda muttered calling a cab. "I'm gonna act stupid one more time!" she muttered out loud. Her cab pulled up, and she got in, "I will tip you good if you speed! I'm trying to catch my woman before she gets on a plane, like those stupid romcoms, it is my last chance to pour out my heart to her before her wife manipulates her" Penda said. "Copy that. What's your destination?"

Who's gonna win this one?

Any who... I've been feeling really demotivated. I'm trying to write but the motivation is depleted. The app can really drain one out. But I promise I'm trying, so show up!!

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