Saving Danielle

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The future Tommy returns to the warehouse to meet with his son Winston; however, Winston tells his father that Good and Evil Magic are already at war with each other as they are fighting for possession of Danielle. Future Tommy vows to protect Danielle, as Winston is protecting his mother Barbara from death. However, Bernie sends an untraceable telepathic message to both sides of magic, manipulating them into believing that the other side is waging war on the other. Both sides fall for this and meet up in the Halliwell Manor where the Source of Evil confronts the Elder Odin on the attack, Odin accuses the Source of sending the message and are armed and ready to kill.

Dumain briefs the Triad. He assures them that good magic will certainly attack soon, and that Evil magic will be ready for them when they do attack. Tommy is teaching his son Winston the spell to summon the hollow, although both father and son are Aquatic Demons and Warren Witches, they understand magic and how it works. Winston is willing to help his father Tommy to protect Winston's mother and Tommy's wife from death, and he is willing to help her to kill both sides of Magic to protect Danielle, but they still do not like it and both are doubtful that Good and Evil are even smart enough to figure out what is really going on.

Winston informs his father that the forces of Good and Evil will not stop until they have his aunt on their side. Tommy agrees with his son and informs his son that this is not revenge for them, this is a lifetime's work of payback, which evolved Danielle into the woman she is now. Both Tommy and Winston are sympathetic for Danielle and promise one another that they will save Danielle.

Tommy visits Barbara and talks to her; "Why are you doing this?" Asks Barbara as he combs her hair, she looks confused. "In the future we were expecting a baby, but you were killed in the crossfire of a battle, and I lost you. I was blamed for your death and then put into Bedlam Royal Hospital as I was certified as insane." He explains before sitting next to her.

"You're not crazy Tommy. What battle?"

"A battle I couldn't have prevented, so Bernie who's also from the future came to get me and she promised me that she would protect you when the ultimate goal was ready to be completed. I'm helping to protect her mother, who was turned evil and was taken from her just moments after her birth." Says future Tommy as she looks down and then backs up at him.

"But why shoot yourself?"

"I was getting too close; I have the answers that my past self is looking for to his questions. I must go now, but please stay here. As soon as it is safe, I will get you ok.

Barbara nodded and gave him a cuddle, then he left to join Winston in summoning the Hollow, as Good and Evil are still arguing with each other. Tommy and Winston hold hands with each other as they begin chanting the spell to summon the Hollow, Serena goes to Barbara to protect her. The hollow reacts to the spell and escapes its prison, going straight to the warehouse to infect Bernie and Tommy, as it takes hold Tommy feels empowered by the neutral power and is granted the powers of Telekinesis, Molecular Combustion, and an advanced form of Electrokinesis (like Danielle's advanced Electrokinetic abilities.) Tommy helps his son to avoid the hunger for more power, the Hollow has no effect on Tommy, but it does aid his Aquatic Demon-Warren Witch powers to become unstoppable.

Dumain, worried, tries to warn the Triad about Tommy and Winston. He fears that both sides of magic are losing sight of what is more important than just accusing the other side of sending the message. Just then, Winston and his father Tommy appear. Dumain sees the danger and shimmers away. Together, the father and son duo vanquish the Triad with lightning. The pair fire transport to the Manor and both sides of magic fail to see the pair. Winston throws fire, and Tommy throws lightning. The power is so strong that it kills both sides of magic and blows up Halliwell Manor - leaving Winston and his father, Tommy, as the only survivors and both sides of magic have been destroyed. The Hollow leaves both Bernie and Tommy and returns to its containment.

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