Patricia Loses Her Blood Innocence (Danielle Is Born)

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Tommy and his son Winston are working with Father Justin and a few of Satan's followers. They meet Patricia Halliwell, an eighteen-year-old Warren Witch, Father Justin explains to Tommy that she is to be chosen as his brother's bride and the mother of Satan's only daughter. Tommy and Winston agree to help befriend the eighteen-year-old by telling her stories of Satan but is advised by Father Justin to disguise the Devil as a peaceful being which the father-son duo agree to do. Satan is their Lord and Master.

Meanwhile, Patricia accompanies Tommy into the Temple of the One God. There, Winston begins a strange invocation regarding a certain baby girl; "From the beginning of time, our Lord and Master has been waiting to complete his family circle. The world that was once his, has reached a time rejoining. The days of old are gone. And a new is before us. Tremble at his daughter's arrival. But first, the door must be opened. The path of his second arrival must be sanctified in blood - pure blood - innocent blood."

Suddenly, the circle of worshipers grabs Tommy and Patricia, binding Tommy to the altar as a sacrifice, as his son Winston leads the ritual. They then begin chanting praises to the Devil, as Patricia and Tommy struggle. "This world will end today. The second hand of Satan will sweep the earth - bringing with her the winter of a thousand years - killing everyone who stands in the way of her father's world."

"No. This is not our god. Patricia!" Tommy says which gains her attention as Winston continues. "With this life - we praise Satan - The King of Darkness and our Lord and Master." Finally, Patricia manages to free herself but to save Tommy; "Look out! Patricia!" He says to her as she avoids Winston's assault, but she winds up killing an innocent with a dagger, when she goes to stab Winston, but he moves out of the way, and she stabs the innocent instead who dies.

As Patricia ponders over her first kill, Tommy becomes instantly calm and explains the situation to an upset Patricia, as Winston takes the dagger from his father and places it into a box to send back to his Lord and Master as Tommy explains to Patricia what she has just done;

"Thank you, Patricia. You are going to help bring Satan's daughter into this world. My Lord needed a sacrifice - and not just one of his flesh and blood. He wanted your purity - your innocence and a neutral act of murder in his name - and you just gave it to him. This world, and all who are on it, shall be no more. The new kingdom of our Lord and Master will rule. And you, Patricia, will bring his daughter to us." Tommy says to her revealing his true loyalty to Satan as Patricia breaks down and Winston smiles before hailing Satan, along with his father, Father Justin, and the followers of Satan.

Outside, Penny and her white lighter, Jamie, notice the sky turning black and stormy over the Temple and Penny goes to investigate. There she finds her daughter Patricia with blood on her hands, lying next to the altar covered by Meridian's dead body. As a sobbing Patricia confesses to her mother that she killed an innocent naming Meridian, Tommy appears and thanks Penny for agreeing to the deal provided by his Lord and Master. "Patricia. Patricia. What happened?"

"Win-Win-Winston. The Innocent"

"She's dead. Patricia, who did this?"

"I did. I killed her. I killer, mum."

"No, Patty, you couldn't -"

"No, I did. I just stabbed her. I stabbed -"

"Accidentally, you -"

"No, I stabbed her. Mother - I just - I murdered an innocent." Patricia states through her tears as her mother comforts her; "Patty, it's - it's -"

"Thank you, Penny." Tommy says, interrupting her, as his son Winston walks in alongside his father. Patricia sees them and turns away; "Oh! No."

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