The Prophecy (part one)

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Father Rosetti is sent by the Vatican to a small city in Pennsylvania to investigate a report of an impending virgin birth, but he is attacked on the road by mysterious bikers – the followers Father Justin - making him crash and with the aid of Rosetti's second wife Medusa, leaving him catatonic. In his place, Vatican asks Father Justin O'Carroll – unknown to them that he is in fact the younger brother of Satan and their enemy - warning him that seventy years before, the Virgin Mary appeared in an Italian village and left a message concerning the birth of a divine child (Jesus Christ) at the end of the century.

After arriving in the city, Justin meets a pregnant 15-year-old teen, Margaret Johnson, who is being bullied by her classmates for her claims of being a virgin. Margaret also has painful visions of people dying, and when a bully attempts to harass her, he suffers mysterious wounds. Justin also finds out that an epidemic of Polio is ravaging the country. When he returns to the Vatican, he learns that another girl also claiming a divine pregnancy, Patricia Halliwell, has surfaced in London, being the target of a second part of the prophecy, which talks about the younger child of Satan.

Justin finds that Patricia's recent life mirrors exactly that of Margaret – but he knows that Patricia is carrying within her as he can sense his niece, and he isn't forced to investigate which girl will be the mother of which child as he knows that Margaret is carrying the child of God within her, so he plans to murder her to prevent Jesus's birth into the world.

Just as things came to a dramatic close with Justin attempting to murder Margaret, Father Rosetti protects Margaret from the younger brother of Satan; "Margaret, do not move. I will get you. Do not move!" Justin says, gaining Margaret's attention.

"No." Called out Father Rosetti to Margaret. "Do not let him touch you. He is not who he seems." Justin's face drew an angry glare at Rosetti and growled before retreating into the bedroom, he opened the door and walked past Margaret's parents. He walks down the stairs and comes face to face with Rosetti.

"It was you." Justin said to Rosetti who watched him. "You haven't made a move without me, my boy." Rosetti responded to his son. "I followed your evil trail. Every step of the way." He continued.

Justin walked past angry at his mortal father for interfering with Justin's brother's plan; "You were supposed to die that day on the cliffs. You stupid old man!" Satan's younger brother looked furiously at his mortal father who then began to exorcise his own son of his Demon-God half.

"I cast you out. Thou vile spirit. Along with the entire embodiment of the wicked enemy. And every phantom and diabolical region. *Justin walks backwards as Rosetti walks forward continuing with the exorcism of his own son.* In the name of our lord, Jesus Christ. Depart and flee this creature of God." Justin smiled sinisterly at his father; "Never."

Rosetti continued with the exorcism; "Tremble thou enemy in the face and foe of humanity. Thou art the carrier of death and the thief of life. It is God himself *begins to do the cross sign* who commands thee. The majesty of Christ who commands thee."

"This is my older brother, father, Satan himself. You cannot fight him." Justin interrupted his father. Rosetti continues with his relentless exorcism of his own son. "The Majesty of Christ commands thee. God himself commands thee. God the son commands thee."

"My brother will not let Jesus be born again into this world." He says to his mortal father, as Satan continues the storm over the earth. "God the father commands thee. God the son commands thee. Yealy to God who condemn by him. Thou art expelled by him. And he whips thee with a divine scorch of all those who smite."


"Tremble and cry out. By him thou are expelled."

Justin pleads with his father knowing it is impossible to convert his mortal father from God to Satan, but still he tries; "Please. Father."

"Who have prepared an unending hell for thee. And thine Demons. Of who's vows shall come forth. Appointed..."

"Look for the eclipse." Justin stated angrily. Rosetti looked at his son. "The dark warning. You cannot stop my niece's birth. My brother will have his daughter." Just then, Satan threw a powerful light stream of electrokinesis at Father Rosetti knocking him unconscious, then Justin proceeds to kill Margaret but is too late to kill Jesus as Margaret's parents hand the baby boy to an unseen person angering Justin and his older brother Satan.

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