Kidnapping and Hiding Patricia

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It had been a long drive to Bedlam Royal Hospital, Tommy yawned as he got out of the Bristol followed by his wife Barbara. Locking his car, they walked into the reception area where a petite blonde was organizing an appointment; "That's all booked in for you, thank you bye. *Hangs up and turns her attention to the Inspector and his wife. * So sorry, how can I help you?" She asked politely to them. Tommy got his badge out as Barbara copied him; "I'm Detective Inspector Lynley and this is my partner Detective Sergeant Havers, we are here to see Dr Lethbridge-Stewart." Responded the Inspector seriously as she looked at him. "Does Dr Lethbridge-Stewart know that you are coming?" She replied hesitantly.

The future Tommy and his son Winston watch the interaction, as they wait for the arrival of Alistair and Kate. However, Tommy and Barbara looked at each other, before he could response to the question, Kate said, while interrupting the conversation; "What do you want with my father?" She asked in a bossy tone (something she inherited from her father). The two turned round and were shocked at the resemblance; "I'm sorry who are you?" Asked Barbara as Tommy chimed in; "Bernie Wolfe?! Yes, no. Yes, yes, you're Bernie Wolfe, you're currently attending the University to be a trauma surgeon."

He said as Kate looked at him with confusion, she had knew heard of Bernie Wolfe before and was certainly not a doctor of trauma, she was a doctor of Psychiatry - her field ranging from schizophrenia to manic depression - Kate is a fully qualified medical doctor with years of experience in the field in which she is currently working. So, to have an Inspector call her by another name and another occupation which she has no idea about, was very (very) confusing for her, parting her lips with her tongue she responded bluntly; "Excuse me! My name is Kate Stewart, Doctor of Psychiatry - my field ranges from schizophrenia to manic depression - so I have never known the field of trauma, nor have I ever heard of Bernie Wolfe. Now if you two don't mind, I do have patients that I need to attend too and so does my father, goodbye Inspector Lynley." Kate turned round and went to walk away.

"Would one of those patients be Patricia Halliwell?" He asks as Kate stops in her tracks, her face displaying horror as no one knew that Patricia was there, except for Penny Halliwell. Alistair appeared in the doorway; "Patricia Halliwell is here, who are you?" He asks as he approaches his daughter, he rubs her back softly as Tommy watches them. "I'm Detective Inspector Lynley and this is my partner, Detective Sergeant Havers. I'm here because I need answers as to what is going on."

"What does Patricia have to do with this?"

Tommy sighed; "I had a vision of her giving birth in an underground temple to a baby girl."

Kate looked at him, anger clouding her better judgement; "That's bullshit!"

"Tiger enough. We aren't going to get anywhere if we are angry."

"We will never get anywhere with anything dad. People barging in here acting as though it all when they don't."

"I said that is enough Tiger, now go and attend to your patients." He ordered his daughter as she gave him an angry look before storming off and leaving the reception area. Alistair sighed; "I'm sorry Inspector but my daughter is right. No one knows anything around here and we don't need (or want) anyone else to come in here and tell us what to do with our patients."

Tommy sighed again as Barbara spoke up; "My partner had a vision of a baby girl being born in an underground temple, now he recognized Patricia as the woman who gave birth in that underground temple..."

"And she claimed that the Devil himself had impregnated her with his daughter." Chimed in Tommy as Alistair sighs, clearly showing signs that he knows something and is aware of what is going on. "You know what is going on? You know more than you are letting on Dr Lethbridge-Stewart."

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