*18 Years Later*

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Far away in the deep depths of space, somewhere, a battle was happening on Demon's Run - the home planet of all Demon-Gods - was under attack from the Angel-Gods along with the Good and Evil magic and the Warren Witches and Wiccan Witches, the Demons and Warlocks - had attacked the family. Fireballs and energy balls racing through the air, missing the Demon-Gods and hitting objects - swords clashing against one another as the King of Light fought against Satan in a sword fight. Joan is fighting with an Angel Goddess and beats her. Joan uses her powers to protect herself, her parents, and their family.

Suddenly, during the chaos, the cries of a baby are heard - distracting both Satan and his family member Joan, "Astareth!" says Joan as she quickly runs out of the main hall, followed by her parents Elijah and Elizabeth. Running at the speed of lightening, Joan and her parents are cornered by the Demons, but they fight back, as Warren Witch Patricia grabs the baby and flees with Joan following while attempting to get the baby back. However, Penny fights with Joan but loses as Joan is far more powerful and far quicker than Penny - and then Patricia disappears with the baby girl.

Meanwhile, back at Demon's Run, the Gods have taken advantage of the distraction - by having the Warren and Wiccan Witches throw holy water at Satan - blinding him and dividing the entire family as they are forced into hiding. Working together, the family take Demon's Run along with themselves to a new place to recover and gain back their strength, as well as feeling Satan being imprisoned by the Angel-Gods. Back on Earth, both sides of Magic have managed to suppress the baby's Destiny for Good, both sides want the baby on their side, but the baby's vast powers are greater than their own. While they are arguing amongst themselves about who will raise the baby, the baby girl is kidnapped again by a hooded figure.

The figure meets another figure, both figures are dressed in red-black cloaks - indicating their connection to the family of Demon-Gods, they agree that the baby needs protecting, and they take the baby girl to a couple who have always wanted a daughter, they take her in and name her as Danielle Elizabeth Wolfe. The figures leave the house and disappear, as the couple raise the baby together - it was not long before both sides of magic had realized that the baby girl was missing - but they agreed to work together to find the baby girl.

Centuries passed for the family of Demon-Gods, as they slowly regained back their strengths, also their planet now had an alarm system which warned them of the presence of Good and Evil. The Elders of the family call for a family meeting in the family room; "Centuries ago we lost two of our family members, Satan was imprisoned within the centre of Krop Tor, and his only daughter Astareth was taken from us. Joan and her parents had fought to prevent this though they failed, but no matter to that as failure is seen as our success." He says as Joan speaks up. "If I may my lord, we know who took Astareth from us. Patricia Halliwell is the one who kidnapped Astareth, she hates her own child with vengeance and wouldn't bond with her daughter." Replies Joan as her family agree.

"After, of course, Auntie Joan. *Joan looks at her nephew.* Patricia helped our enemies, but now of course the Warren and Wiccan witches are our enemies." Points out Angus as his auntie agrees with him. "For years, centuries even, my father left them be and this is how they repaid him by throwing holy water on his face and blinding him. My father didn't deserve that at all." Says a frustrated Dahak as his family felt his frustration over what the Warren and Wiccan did to their family member and Dahak's father. Elijah walks over to him and comforts him; "We all understand how you feel Dahak, we will make them pay for what they did to your father." He tells his family member as Dahak looks at him, then Elijah gives him a cuddle.

"My lord if Astareth is alive then there is only one place where they would have taken her." says Joan to Marcus, who agrees with her. The Elders of the family agree on a plan, they allow Joan and her mother Elizabeth to go to Earth and begin the search for their family member Astareth. Joan promises Dahak that she will find his sister and will return her home to their family, they share a cuddle as Elizabeth and her husband Elijah say goodbye to each other. Both women agree to keep their family informed via a family member. Eventually, they leave their home planet and arrive on Earth, they kill the two homeless people and dispose of the bodies - then they begin the hunt for Astareth - throughout the centuries they search with no success but do not give up on the search for her.

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