The Deal Is Made

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*Wednesday 15 April 1959*

It had been a few months now since Satan had taken on the form of Professor Alejandro Maurietta and began the process of manipulating Patricia into believing his every word. Though she was young and beautiful, Patricia was also naive and had clung to her professor's word of one day becoming just like him, and a professor herself.

During this time, Satan suffered a setback as his younger brother had discovered that Patricia has no womb and had gone to inform his older brother of the situation, now with Satan not one for giving up on his dream had decided to step his plan up a notch. He created a potion that had allowed Patricia to redevelop her womb, fallopian tubes, and ovaries, he was patient, calm and collected – a notable nod to his family who remained calm when faced with pressure or a stressful situation – Patricia was just as blind to it all.

It was now seven months later, Wednesday 15 April, and Satan was preparing to complete his plan that night. "Constantine, I need you to protect Patricia until tonight." Satan had ordered to his Demon – whom Satan had no idea was planning to betray him – nevertheless Constantine did as he was ordered too. Isador watched Constantine leave but his suspicions were already mounting; "You don't trust him, do you brother?" Satan asked his younger brother noticing the silent way his brother watched Constantine.

"Not really brother." He replied to his brother. Satan nodded. "Do you trust him, brother? Truly trust him?" Isador questioned his brother but not in a betrayal way. Satan's eyes drew sorrow as his own distrust of Constantine had led him to question if allowing the demon to watch over his chosen mate who will bear his only daughter within her for three days. "These past few months have led me to become wary of him. Constantine sneaks around and barely talks to me about anything. He is vastly different from the demon that I created centuries ago, Am I wrong?" Satan's voice drew disdain and questionable notions which his brother had noticed.

Isador walked over to his brother and spoke softly to him; "You may be many things brother, but you're never wrong and your feelings have never led you astray before."

"Only when it comes certain demons who show no loyalty to me or my family. If Constantine does anything to my mate, I will severely punish him in hell for it. I will not stand for betrayal of any kind brother; mother has taught me that." Satan replied before turning on his heel and fire transporting out of the temple as Isador watched on.

However, while alone, Satan talks to Patricia, and they are laughing when Satan accidentally reveals his devil face to her, and she freaks out; "What do you want from me?" She pleaded with him as he held her close to him. He ran his hand over her stomach and sensed that it was time to impregnate her; "You will bear my daughter within you, and you will be my mate. Your soul belongs to me, and when the time comes, you will surrender to my power. Oh, my dear Patty, our family will be complete, and you will raise our daughter and keep her safe from my enemies because I will have to go away." He explained to her as she cried pleading with him to stop, then she attacks him with her molecular combustive power which sends him flying backwards and she runs.

Satan, loving the thrill of a chase, hunting game, follows her and eventually Subdudes her while she fights with him. However, he handcuffs her hands behind her back while she pleads once more and begging God to save her; "He cannot save you now. You are mine to do as I please, and you will obey me." He replied as she escapes from his clutches, and he uses his powers on her by putting her mind under mental strain.

"You see, I will have my daughter. I already have a son, but I need a daughter to complete my family. A daughter who is of my flesh and blood, soulless and born from darkness, she will be just like me, and no one will be able to sway her to the side of good and evil. And you, Patricia, will bring my daughter into the world." He explained his voice dripping with both pride and joy as Patricia finds the strength to attack him and escapes him once more.

Satan runs after her but is stopped by a man; "My Lord wait." The man said as Satan stops running. "Who are you?" Satan replied to the man who smiled a little; "It doesn't matter who I am, but I know that this is when you impregnate Patricia."

"How do you know that?" Satan questioned before calling his sword to his hand and he pins the man against the wall while getting angry. "Did Constantine tell you that, huh?"


"Then who did tell you about my plan to have a daughter?"

Tommy gulped a little; "Swallow and you will never talk again." Satan growled angrily as he had noticed Tommy gulping. "I will ask you again. Who told you about my plan to have a daughter?"

"She warned me that you would act like this."

"Who told you?"

Tommy smiled cockily angering Satan even more, Satan moved and repositioned his sword, so it was against Tommy's throat – mirroring the same move that he taught to someone else in the future – just then a male voice called out to him. "If you hurt him, you hurt me My Lord." Satan looked for a second, the man had ashen grey hair and yellow eyes, the man stood of six foot and was carrying a sword on his back.

"Who are you?" Satan asked the second man who obeyed his Lord and Master. He bowed at Satan apologizing for the misunderstanding; "My name is Winston Lynley, and that man is my father, Tommy Lynley. We are here to help you, and I apologize for the misunderstanding with my father." Winston replied to Satan who seemed to calm a little and seemed a little more trusting of Winston than Tommy. He kept his sword where it was currently positioned and looked at Winston; "Who told your father about my plan to have a daughter?"

Winston smiled a little; "Your daughter did." Winston stated to his Lord and Master, a look of happiness spread on his face as he realized that his plan worked. "You mean..."

"Yes, My Lord. Your plan worked and you do get to have a daughter in the future. Your daughter told me that this was the time that you started to distrust Constantine, and I cannot say that I blame you, especially after what he had done." Winston explained in a tone of both truth and unquestionable empathy for both his own father and Satan.

"You can trust my father, My Lord." Satan lowered his sword and looked at Winston, he then walks over to him; "What do I have to do?" He asked Winston with the trust in his voice. "You need to create a false story, one that is believable for Penny, I understand that a deal was made way before I was born. Once Penny has agreed to help you and shook your hand, the deal will be made, and you will be free to impregnate Patricia with your daughter." Winston explained to the Devil who smiled and went to find Patricia.

Tommy joined his son; "That was a close one!" He said to his son who looked at him disapprovingly. "Really, dad? You had to get cocky with him, when this is the time that he really started to question his trust of Constantine." Winston replied before following Satan, Tommy watched his son, but he knew that his son was right and decided to apologize to Satan.

Satan goes to the Manor and presses the doorbell, a few minutes later Penny opens the door and invites him inside; "How is Patricia doing?" he asked her as she closed the door behind them. "Not good I am afraid. She said that she was attacked by you." Penny answered. The Devil quickly remembering Winston's words produced the explanation; "I apologize for that. I was telling her a story and got a little carried away. I tried to apologize to her, but she refused and attacked me.

He rolled up his sleeve to reveal a bruise, Penny saw it and became quite distressed; "I can help her Mrs. Halliwell, but I am worried about being seen as a predator." Satan stated his voice dripping with both helpfulness and concern about how he would be seen by other people. Penny felt for him, and then promised to help him in return for helping Patricia. The two shook hands as the chandelier then shook and glowed on the pair as it demonstrated the deal was made, and then Satan left the manor. 

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