Protecting Danielle

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It was a lukewarm morning; Danielle had been for her run and was sitting on the sofa in her dorm studying cardiology as she wanted to be a Cardiology surgeon. She was reading up on an extremely hard procedure which involved replacing the heart and putting in a new one, when a knock came at the door. Sighing, she got up and opened her door to find Inspector Lynley on the other side; "What do you want now Inspector Lynley?" she asked frustratingly as he rolled his eyes. "I'm investigating a possible drugging on yourself. Do you know anyone who would want to drug you?" He responded as she laughed it off.

"Why would anyone drug me Inspector? I am not exactly an easy target, am I?"

"Miss Wolfe this is serious; someone has been putting something in your drink." Explained Tommy as Danielle laughed again, how could she take this seriously when she knows it is ridiculous? She calmed herself down as Joan approached them; "Everything ok Danielle?" She asks the teenager as Tommy does not find it funny. "I'm sorry Miss Ferguson, but Inspector Lynley has told me that someone has been drugging my drink." Explained the teen as Joan looked at the Inspector. "That's impossible Inspector, Miss Wolfe would never drink anything if it had been spiked or drugged."

"Well according to the barman, the woman is actually Bernie Campbell. *Danielle's facial expression changes from a funny expression to a disbelief expression.* I'm sorry but she has been drugging your drink and we need to speak with her as soon as possible." Says Tommy as Bernie and Serena hide behind the wall listening to the conversation, Bernie knew she was innocent but she couldn't expose who she truly was to anyone - the reason for this, is because Bernie does not exist yet and neither does Serena, they are on a mission to protect Danielle from Good and Evil Magic - as they stay where they are, Joan defends her (Bernie) but secretly questions what is going on and just what it is that Bernie is hiding.

The Inspector leaves with his son Winston as Joan watched them both leave. Tommy checked on Bedlam Royal Hospital, and they searched for Patricia, as they knew they needed to get her out of there and into an unknown location. Tommy looked through the patient notes as Winston kept an eye out, he soon saw a doctor approaching the office; "Dad, we have to go as a doctor is approaching the office." Winston told his father who had managed to copy the files onto a memory stick, and they had hide just as the doctor opened the door.

Serena is currently nowhere to be found; Joan is brought in for questioning with Tommy. He informs her everything that he knows everything, including the fact that she is not human, Joan sarcastically tells him that he knows nothing about her and happily gloats that she isn't human but something far worse - if he can picture that in his head - anyway he accuses her of doing the killings and implicating an innocent girl by having her lie for Joan. This brings out Joan's psychopath side; "You're messing with the wrong lunatic Inspector." She says to him, which sends chills down his spine and his domineer completely changes from confidence to absolute terror. Before she leaves the station, she gives him a chilling message; "Just because you fuck Sergeant Havers doesn't mean you know her." Tommy is shocked as she smiles and leaves the station, Tommy clears his throat and returns to his office where his assistant, Barbara Havers arrives and informs him that another murder has taken place.

"How did it go dad?" Winston asked his father who soon joined him in Tommy's office. The Inspector is left baffled as he has just questioned Joan Ferguson, and she could not have committed this murder. "Not good. Joan could not have committed these murders." He replied to his son.

"What gives you that impression?"

"She seems too overprotective of Danielle."

"Do you believe that she is protecting Aunt Danielle?"

Tommy nodded; "What else could it be? I did promise our Lord and Master that I would protect Danielle from anyone who wished her harm." Winston blinked and nodded; "I was there, at Krop Tor, when you made the promise. What about mum in this timeline?"

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