CHAPTER 829: In their rightful place

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Yue Ling's calm voice resonated inside the conference room, silencing everyone. Her bluish-green eyes skim across the room like a hawk ready to strike.

"Wang Zhan, Luo Xin, Li Jing Ke, Li Xiang, Wang Yi tong, and Gong Tang."

She spoke the names of the people who were against her. At the same time, she also made sure to look each person in the eyes.

"Of the names mentioned, you all should know better as to why you are being removed."

She leans forward and places her left elbow on the table. Her chin rested on her palm as her right forearm settles on the table.

"Or should I refreshen your memories?"

Her posture was taxed and far from that of a CEO. However, her words pierced the heart of each individual she mentioned.

"Han Yue Ling, have you gone insane?"

Wang Zhan was the first to react. He stamps his palm on the table before pointing at Yue Ling.

"I am the head of the board. HOW dare you slander us on your first day here?!"

His entire body trembled like he was hyperventilating, and his nostrils flare.

"You say you gave us our positions when the truth is we..."

He growls his words, but before he could finish, he was suddenly reminded of an occurrence when Chen Limei was still CEO.

He had tried to convince Chen Limei to collaborate with his nephew's company. He expected an answer right away, but she said she would think about it.

When he was about to leave her office, he remembers hearing her murmuring the lines of getting approval first.

"Miss Han, I do not understand what you are implying. You claim we went against company policy, so you removed us, but what exactly is it that we did?"

In the middle of Wang Zhan's thoughts, he was brought back to reality at the words of a woman.

This woman is Luo Xin. She is one of the younger board members and one of the people removed. She held her head high and made sure she was of equal standing with Yue Ling.

"I have been working for An Qing for many years now and have put my heart into my work. I have never made any mistakes or made enemies with anyone."

She scoffs in disbelief at how Yue Ling is trying to get rid of her.

"But you claim that I have crossed the line. Do you know that once I am gone, all the connections I have in the fashion industry will be gone with me?"

Quickly as the woman opened her mouth, the remaining four people on the removal list did not hesitate to voice their opinions. No one is willing to give up their position because of a few mistakes.

The once calm room turned upside-down again. However, despite hearing each person's anger, Yue Ling's eyes lazily flutter as if she was tired from a long day.

"Miss Luo Xin. Graduated overseas with a fashion degree. You applied at An Qing as an accountant and climbed your way to be a member of the board."

A woman's voice cuts in the conversation. It wasn't Yue Ling but Jiang Shengyi. She stood by Yue Ling's side with a tablet in her hand as she reads from it.

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