CHATER 817: Oh no

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The afternoon came, and like the promised time, Yue Ling and Lu Tian left the island. As their short peaceful getaway comes to an end, construction was back in business at their home.

The sound of machinery and people echoes from outside and inside the luxurious home as Wolf Team and Alpha Team picked up their tasks in the early morning.


Shaofeng and Yiqing were able to seal off the secret exit in one of the downstairs spare rooms. The two men step back from the house and stare with a proud expression.

At first, they were afraid the door would be noticeable but having it painted to look precisely like the house, it blended in nicely.

"Wow. Where is the door?"

Gui Zhongmin walks over to see, and he was in awe of the sight. Before, he could see the inside leading to the closet inside, but now he couldn't even tell the difference.

It was as if they never tore down anything to make an escape exit.

He walks up to the wall and touches the wall.

"Man, you guys are really skilled at this. If I didn't know, I would have thought professionals were hired."

His head nods approvingly at the excellent work then he hears another commotion a few feet away. He looks over to see Jiangyu and few other men putting a door on the house.

"Ah, I should use this chance to see how it's put on."

He smiles at Shaofeng and Yi qing then makes his way to the other group.

"Wait. Gui Zhongmin, can I ask you something?"

Before he could take his second step, he is stopped by Shaofeng. He doesn't think much and looks at the young man. However, a thought suddenly came to mind, and he looks at the wall, where the hidden door is.

"What is it? Did something happen? Did someone die while putting the door on?"


Question after question escapes his mouth, with each even more exaggerating than the first one. His arms dance around in different directions, and the proud look he had of Shaofeng and Yiqing being professionals disappear into thin air.

"Oh my God. My boss is going to be here soon. What do I say? How do I tell her?"

He looks at the two men, and he felt like fainting but lacked the energy to do so.

"Why are you two just standing there? Aren't you worried? My boss is a reasonable person and considers forgiveness, but your boss..."

He puts the back of his hand on his forehead and puts on a fainting act.

"The word 'forgiveness' is not in his dictionary."

Yiqing: "..."

Shaofeng: "..."

Both men were struck dumbfound by the stylist. Neither had the chance to ask what was on their mind, and Gui Zhongmin was already rambling incoherently about nonsense, especially the part about their boss, which was true.

However, not wanting the misunderstanding to increase, Shaofeng grabs Gui Zhongmin's shoulders and stops him.

"Get a hold of yourself. Nothing's wrong with the door, and no one died or is going to die."

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