CHAPTER 811: Liu Ye

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Leaving Retro, Liu Shan and Xu long carpooled with Jiangyu and Ju Suo while Lin Hui and Qi Li carpooled with Gui Tian Lan and Gui Zhong min. Two black cars leisurely make their way in the direction of Yue Ling and Lu Tian's home.

If it weren't for the fact that the four men had driven the cars belonging to Red Moon, they wouldn't have bothered their comrades.

However, the atmosphere inside the first car was full of awkwardness.

Jiangyu sat in the driver's seat, but he would often glance at the rearview mirror. Next to him on the passenger side, Ju Sou sat at an angle that allows her to look at the backseat.

In the back, Xu long sat on the window seat behind Jiangyu. He was on his phone for a quick second before locking it and puts it inside his pocket. He then turns to look at Xiao De, who sat between him and Liu Shan.

He remained quiet for a long minute and stared in silence. After looking like he made up his mind, he leans back in his seat.

"I'm curious, what is a kid like you doing at Red Moon? How long have you been there?"

Xiao De doesn't answer but sat stiffly between the two assistants. He held his hands tightly together on his lap and head lowered.

Even without looking up, he could sense the curious stares of the three people as the other man seated next to him is paying no mind to him.

However, it wasn't the stares that made him nervous. It was more of how he ended up here and that the person who told him to follow isn't saying anything.

Confused about this, he glances at Liu Shan, then looks back down and closed his eyes.

When Jia Lin dragged him (Xiao De) away, he thought he was going to die. The only thing he could think about was what will happen to his younger siblings.

He was thrown into a dimly lit room where Tao Meng dispose of people he (Tao Meng) does not need anymore. He (Xiao De) knew this because it was a room the people of Red Moon often mention if he makes a mistake.

Tao Meng even brought him to watch a man get torture then killed. It was a warning that he will end up like the man if he so much as to make a mistake.

From that moment on, he had tried to live as quietly as possible and not make himself visible by hiding in the security room.

When he saw Jia Lin point a gun at him, he could only pray that someone saves him. Whoever it is, he didn't care.

Even if it was the devil himself, he was willing to sell his soul to get out of Red Moon and see his siblings again.

However, no matter how much he prayed or begged, Jia Lin never disappeared.

It was then that he could only accept his fate. He was going to die in this horrible place. There was no more hope for him.

Although he trembled with intense fear and wanted to cry, he gathered all his courage and closed his eyes. He waited for the bullet that will end his life.

He even swore inside that he comes back as a ghost and haunt every single person in Red Moon, starting with Jia Lin.

However, seconds passed, and he heard no sound.

Could it be that he had already died?

He slowly opened his eyes, and it was then that he saw four dark silhouettes standing behind Jia Lin. One of the four figures had a gun pointed at the back of Jia Lin's head.

When he saw this, he was still trembling with fear, but at the same time, he felt. a sense of relief.

He couldn't hear what the man said to Jia Lin, but whatever it was, it made him (Jia Lin) stiffen like a rock before being knocked out and dragged away.

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