ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ 76: TᕼE IᗪOᒪIᘔEᗪ ᖴᗩᑕEᔕ

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"She's 15 weeks pregnant? Did you know about this?" James exclaimed in disbelief, turning to a shocked Carlton.

"What? No! I had no idea!" Carlton exclaimed, his eyes widening in shock as the reality sunk in. James closed his eyes in frustration, realizing the extent of his daughter's selfishness and unpredictability.

"From what I have just learned from Elena, she was completely unaware of her pregnancy! She had no idea she was carrying a child and was already in the second trimester," Jonathan revealed, maintaining steady eye contact as he observed James' stern and dejected expression.

"She didn't know? How is that even possible? Shouldn't she be showing by now? Or experiencing some symptoms?" James inquired, his expression filled with irritation. Jonathan let out a soft scoff and leaned back against the wall, crossing his arms as he contemplated the situation.

"Not all women's pregnancies progress the same way! Elena is exhibiting signs of a stealth pregnancy, where the pregnancy remains undetected until about halfway through," Jonathan explained confidently, offering his diagnosis. Carlton remained completely still, his mind racing with thoughts and calculations.

"I understand! Regardless, she will be having this baby! I expect full transparency regarding her pregnancy progress and absolute confidentiality," James stated firmly, nodding at the doctor. He then turned to Carlton, who seemed unusually quiet.

"What's on your mind?" James asked casually, meeting Carlton's contemplative gaze before noticing him shift his focus to James' face.

"That baby is not mine," Carlton uttered in a hushed tone, his voice filled with a mix of disbelief and slowly dawning realization. James frowned at his words, shooting him a stern look as the weight of the revelation settled in.

"What do you mean?" James asked in utter confusion. Carlton quickly approached James, his expression shifting to one of anger and frustration as he fixed a steady gaze on him.

"She's nearly four months pregnant, James! It can't be mine because at that time, your daughter and I weren't even on speaking terms – she was avoiding me," Carlton stated with a steely gaze. James pressed his lips together, feeling a twinge of unease as he processed the information.

"Could it be?" James mumbled in disbelief, but before he could finish his thought, Carlton interjected.

"It's Jack's baby! He raped your daughter that night, James! That despicable man impregnated your daughter!" Carlton seethed, his words filled with fury as the pieces of the puzzle finally clicked into place in both James and Carlton's minds.

"I knew I should have killed him when I had the chance! FUCKKK!""Carlton screamed erratically, overwhelmed by the chaos unfolding around Elena. James swallowed hard, realizing the increasing challenges for his political campaign. The potential fallout from this revelation being exposed to the media could jeopardize everything, especially with Gordon's determination to protect his son. Given their delicate situation, both James and Gordon knew they couldn't afford to ignite any conflicts between them, as it would lead to disastrous consequences in the long term.

"I NEVER SHOULD HAVE LISTENED TO YOUR SON IN THE FIRST PLACE!" Carlton shouted angrily before storming out of the room. James let out a frustrated sigh and lowered his head in disappointment as he glanced at the doctor, then hurriedly followed Carlton.

"Where do you think you're going?" James scolded, gripping Carlton's arm forcefully to halt his exit. Carlton turned back to James, his eyes blazing with intensity as his breaths grew heavy.

"I'm going to kill that son of a bitch right now!" Carlton declared, prompting a chuckle from James.

"And then what? You'll end up in prison without even getting the chance to marry the woman you claim to love," James retorted, raising an eyebrow challengingly, urging Carlton to pause and consider the consequences. Carlton's expression twisted in displeasure at the implications of James's words.

"We need to approach this with caution and strategy, Carlton. Stay level-headed and use your intelligence to navigate the challenges that come our way. I've come to appreciate your ability to threaten me during these tough times. It has shown me that you possess the same qualities I had in the past, but there is still much for you to learn."

"Remember, mastering the art of manipulation and strategic thinking can be the most powerful tool in any situation," James said with a calm smile spreading across his face. Carlton felt a sense of admiration and tranquility as he observed James' demeanor. It was no surprise to him that he was beginning to view his father's enemy as a mentor and role model.

"I understand," Carlton replied, and quickly followed James to Elena's room.

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