ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ 2: ᔕTᗩᒪᒪIᑎG Iᑎ ᗩ ᗪᖇI-ᖴIT

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"She's an absolute bitch! Damn it!" Grant angrily tossed the papers onto the floor, his gaze fixed sternly on the flat screen in front of him. He couldn't pinpoint exactly when or how it happened, but he despised that woman with every fiber of his being. The morning news was broadcasting something utterly despicable.

Active Balance had somehow managed to launch their fitness product first. Fueled by determination, Grant briskly crossed his desk and seized the phone.

"Kylie, is Carlton back?"

"Please, tell me he's back!" He uttered urgently, hoping to hear that his friend had returned from his overseas trip. Kylie promptly informed him that her boss was indeed in his office, but currently engaged in an important call.

"Thanks, I'll be there in about fifteen!" Slamming the phone back onto the table, Grant swiftly turned to gaze out of his office window.

"Even if you're not on my side this time, Carlton, I won't let this go!" His eyes blazed with unadulterated fury as the voices of news reporters echoed from the television. Grant had always been a man of his word, a fact that no one could dispute. His integrity had been unwavering since the very beginning of his career. Rising from nothing to achieve everything, he was a testament to the power of determination.

In his mind, he firmly believed that his dreams would never come true through mere whimsical magic. It took sweat, determination, and hard work to make it a reality. As the minutes ticked by, he paced the hallways of the building, his mind consumed by dangerous thoughts that threatened to strain their relationship.

They had been best friends since high school, accomplishing so much together. Grant's mind wrestled with conflicting emotions. On one hand, he cherished his friendship with Carlton and didn't want to jeopardize it. On the other hand, the current situation demanded his full attention and determination. Business was business, and he knew he had to do whatever it took to succeed.

With a deep breath, Grant pushed aside his personal reservations and focused on the task at hand. He couldn't let his emotions cloud his judgment or hinder his progress. This was a critical moment, and he needed to make tough decisions.

As he paced the hallway, his mind raced with strategies and possibilities. He knew he had to confront the situation head-on, even if it meant stepping on a few toes along the way.

He finally arrived at his friend's office, his heart pounding with anticipation. After a quick knock, he swiftly opened the door. His eyes adjusted to the sight of a man who commanded attention and adoration, especially from the media. Not only was he popular and handsome, but he also possessed a charm that surprised those who didn't know him closely.

 Not only was he popular and handsome, but he also possessed a charm that surprised those who didn't know him closely

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"Grant! It's great to see you!" Carlton exclaimed, rising from his chair and crossing the room to embrace his friend. Their heartfelt hug spoke volumes about the depth of their friendship, similar to that of brothers.

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