ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ 15: ᗷEᕼIᑎᗪ TᕼOᔕE TEᗩᖇᔕ

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Tears, the silent messengers of unspoken words and unbearable heartache, flowed freely from Elena's eyes. The weight of recent events had crushed her spirit, leaving her utterly devastated. Witnessing her own father's callous disregard and humiliation had shattered her to the core. As she retreated to the corner of the living room, her tears remained unseen by the prying eyes of her family. The agony within her chest was overwhelming, as if her heart were on the verge of bursting from the sheer anguish and sorrow it held. Little did she know, a distant observer, their eyes filled with profound empathy, silently watched the brokenness and despair that consumed her.

Every single word her father shouted at her, every single word she threw back, he absorbed with an intensity that amazed him. It baffled him how his thoughts and dreams clung to him no matter where he wandered. That fateful encounter in the rain, when he had rescued her from danger, had etched her delicate features into his mind like an indelible mark. In his dreams, she would beckon to him in the strangest and most inexplicable ways, as if she desperately needed him. Now, as he stood transfixed by the rear window, a glimpse of a woman's enigmatic nature began to unfold before him, revealing fragments of understanding.

When a woman sheds tears, it is never over something trivial. It signifies a culmination of suppressed rage, a tidal wave of emotion she has carried inside for far too many days. In this instance, he could sense her longing for a companion who would wrap her in a warm embrace, reassuring her that her tears were more valuable than any precious gem and that she radiated beauty even in the midst of chaos. At that moment, he understood her longing for someone who could penetrate her soul with an overwhelming sense of love.

Just as Kelan prepared to move forward, the back door swung open with a suddenness that caught him off guard. His gaze was instantly fixed on a man of polished appearance, his hair immaculately slicked back. Without wasting a moment, the man gave him a stern look and gestured for him to leave. Kelan obediently bowed his head in understanding and briskly left the premises. His frustration was evident in the exasperated sigh that escaped his lips as he quickly made his way to the liquor stand on the veranda.

"Ah, I finally found you! Bring me another glass of champagne!" A disgruntled guest muttered. Kelan quickly sprang into action, hastily serving drinks to the guests outside. Meanwhile, inside the house, a storm was brewing between the siblings. Axel stood stoically, waiting for his sister's tears to subside. His piercing gaze revealed a void of understanding and compassion for his sister's plight.

"I must admit, I never expected such deep sorrow from you after a flawless defeat!" Axel snickered, his words dripping with mockery. Elena was taken aback by his sudden appearance. She had always refused to give him the pleasure of witnessing her tears, but now, with her heart weighed down by such immense pain, it felt insurmountable to keep them at bay.

"Why haven't you ever received Father's approval? Take a moment to reflect on this. Could it be because you're not living up to his expectations as a daughter, or perhaps due to a lack of self-awareness?" His smile oozed with satisfaction as he uttered these words. Elena took a deep breath, composing herself, and gently brushed away her tears with the back of her hand. She gazed at her brother's patronizing demeanor, feeling a mix of frustration and disappointment.

"I'm glad the uncertainty and waiting is over for us! We finally know Father's wishes regarding his misogynistic legacy." Elena spat back with steady eyes. Axel chuckled in pure mockery at her words.

"No matter how you try to manipulate the narrative, deep down we both understand the truth - there's no denying my superiority!" He declared, a gleam of satisfaction dancing in his eyes as he witnessed his sister's distress.

"Stop deceiving yourself! Deep down, you're fully aware that it's far from the truth! Sure, you may have come out on top this time, but don't think for a second that the battle is won!" Elena scolded, her stance shifting into defensive mode. Axel couldn't help but burst into laughter, observing his sister's fiery demeanor.

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