ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ 31: ᖴᗩᗰIᒪY ᗩᖴᖴᗩIᖇᔕ

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Since she was a young girl, Elena had been taught by her father to never display vulnerability

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Since she was a young girl, Elena had been taught by her father to never display vulnerability. It was a lesson ingrained in her from a young age - emotions were a sign of weakness, and vulnerability could be exploited by others. As she reflected on the events of last night, Elena couldn't help but remember how she had let her guard down with Carlton, going against her father's strict teachings. Just a moment of vulnerability could potentially give him the opportunity to take advantage of her. Feeling lost in her thoughts, Elena was startled by her mother's gentle touch on her arm.

"Dear, do you need a moment?" Martha whispered softly, trying not to draw attention from the others at the table. Elena composed herself, sitting up straight and offering her mother a grateful smile. No words were needed between them to convey understanding. Just as the guests began to shift their focus, one of them piped up, steering the conversation in a new direction.

"Elena, my dear, you look absolutely radiant when you smile! I hope that's a smile of happiness, just like we are all feeling about Jackie's engagement!" Mrs. Carter exclaimed joyfully, her eyes fixed on Elena. Startled by the unexpected attention, Elena took a moment to gather herself before responding with a gracious smile and nod, playing her part in the celebration.

"Oh, yes, Mrs. Carter! I am truly honored and thrilled by this engagement!" Elena replied, her eyes flickering towards Jack. His expression was one of contentment, pleased by her words.

"James, I think this is the perfect timing for our children's engagement! I will be launching my reelection campaign soon, and you will be announcing your candidacy for the presidency!"

"It couldn't be more perfect than this!" Gordon Carter exclaimed, his eyes gleaming with the potential benefits this alliance could bring them. James nodded in agreement, raising his glass of wine in a silent toast.

"Indeed, the stars are aligning perfectly for us! I can assure you that the McLains are thrilled to welcome your family into ours! I have no doubt that Jack will be an exceptional husband to my precious diamond," James declared with a wide smile, his eyes exuding confidence and determination. Following James's lead, everyone at the table raised their glasses in a gesture of unity and celebration.

"Likewise, James! The Carters will be thrilled to welcome an extraordinary woman like Elena into our family," Gordon responded, the sound of clinking glasses filling the room. The cheers resonated as the two powerful families celebrated the union. Meanwhile, Axel sat back, a knowing smirk playing on his lips. He observed his sister's struggle with the hypocrisy of the situation, seeing right through her facade of joy and contentment put on for their father's benefit.

"Mmm... I must say, your cooking is truly exceptional, Martha. I feel so honored that you took the time to prepare this meal for us," Mrs. Carter remarked, her gaze warm as she looked at Martha. The rest of the guests echoed the sentiment, praising Martha's culinary skills with genuine appreciation.

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