ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ 28: ᔕᗩᒪT TO ᗯOᑌᑎᗪᔕ

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For six long months he had been haunted by her absence. Six months of longing for even the slightest hint of her whereabouts. Six months of heartache and confusion as he tried to make sense of her sudden disappearance. And now, out of the blue, Axel had mentioned her return. The news brought a mixture of relief and apprehension, wondering what had happened in her absence.

He found himself standing in front of her apartment door, unsure of how he had managed to break away from Axel's side. His heart pounded in his chest, the sound echoing like drums in his ears.

"Please, let her be here," Carlton silently prayed as he pressed the doorbell, his heart racing with anticipation. He waited anxiously, hoping to see her emerge and greet him. And then, as if by magic, the door swung open before him.

His eyes widened in shock as they fell upon an unexpected figure standing before him.

"Carlton Callaway!"

"I should have known," Martha muttered, her gaze steady as she studied him intently. Carlton felt a lump form in his throat as he struggled to find the right words.

"Mrs. McLain... I... I..." Carlton stammered, finding it difficult to articulate his thoughts to the last person he expected to face in that moment. Martha chuckled softly, raising an eyebrow at his bewildered expression.

"I must say, you look even more handsome in person than in your pictures! I can see why Elena got herself into this mess with you!" Martha remarked with a smile, her expression almost teasing. Carlton felt sweat beading on his skin, a sudden warmth enveloping him.

"I... I know I'm the last person you'd want to see after the dating scandal with your daughter, but... but please... I... I need to see her...!"

"Please... I beg you... I'm in love with your daughter, Mrs. McLain. I feel like I'll die if I don't see her right now!" Carlton pleaded, his eyes filled with a mix of longing and pain that had been building up during the months without her. Martha's chest tightened as she observed the young man before her, his desperation for her daughter's love palpable. It was evident to her that his feelings were genuine and rooted in true love.

"Follow me, Mr. Callaway," she whispered, stepping aside to allow him to enter. The familiar foyer of Elena's apartment brought a simple smile to his face, as memories of the moments he had shared with her flooded back. Suddenly, he felt Mrs. McLain's hand on his right shoulder.

"I said to follow me!" Mrs. McLain repeated, leading the way into the house. Carlton hurried after her, and as he entered the living room, his heart skipped a beat. There she was, sitting on the couch immersed in reading. She looked stunning even without makeup, although a bit fragile compared to before. A smile crept onto his face as he noticed what she was reading – all the letters he had written to her, pouring his emotions and soul into them during the months of her silence. Then, he heard her soft but raspy voice.

"Mom, who was it?" Elena asked as she turned her face towards them, her eyes widening in complete disbelief. Her hand instinctively flew to her chest, as if trying to contain her racing heart.

"Carl?... Carlton?" She whispered, her voice filled with surprise as she stood up in an instant. Carlton felt a surge of adrenaline as he unconsciously moved towards her and pulled her into a tight embrace.

"Hah..Elena... El..." His voice was a mix of melancholy and relief as he held her tightly. Elena was completely taken aback by his sudden reaction, unsure of how to respond after so much time apart.

"You're here... I can finally feel you close to me!" He continued to mumble, his voice filled with joy as his throat tightened. Tears welled up in his eyes and trickled down his face. Martha placed a hand on her chest, observing the emotional scene unfold before her, as a distraught man came to terms with his feelings for her daughter. However, what struck her was the fear in Elena's eyes. Their gazes met, and Martha could see the confusion and fear in her daughter's expression as Carlton embraced her. Suddenly, Elena felt him pulling back.

"Where were you? You had me so confused and worried about you!" Carlton's voice trembled with emotion.

"You have no idea how difficult these past few months have been without you!" His voice quivered as he spoke, his eyes filled with a mixture of relief and sadness.

"El... my El... I missed you like crazy!" Carlton cried out, holding her face gently in his hands, his eyes filled with joy as he stroked her cheeks. Elena's wide eyes stared back at him, her expression filled with caution. He waited anxiously for her response, but noticed her gaze drifting away. Following her eyes, he realized they were not alone. Slowly withdrawing his hands, he turned to face Mrs. McLain fully.

"Mrs. McLain... I once again ask for your forgiveness for intruding at such a difficult time. I know this is impolite and probably unwelcome," Carlton said, attempting to shield Elena from any potential repercussions of his actions. Elena watched anxiously as Carlton faced her mother, her eyes searching for clues about what would happen next.

"Mom?" Elena muttered in a low voice, her confusion evident as she observed her mother's stoic posture. It puzzled her how her mother had allowed Carlton Callaway, of all people, inside. Slowly, Martha let out a long sigh before them.

"It's quite the opposite, Mr. Callaway."

"Anyways, I have to go," she replied, grabbing her bag from the nearby table and heading towards the door. Elena's puzzled voice echoed throughout the house. "What do you mean you're leaving? Mom, I don't understand what's happening right now!" Elena exclaimed, her facial expression showing strain and confusion at the sudden turn of events. Carlton, too, was puzzled by how everything was unfolding.

"Elena, it seems you have a lot to discuss with this young man! I won't stand in the way of you two having a conversation. And don't worry, I'm quite skilled at keeping secrets from your father!" She said with a touch of sarcasm, before leaving the house. Elena was left speechless, watching her mother walk away.

"Elena," he murmured, gently taking her hand. Elena gasped softly, realizing they were now alone. Her mind raced with memories she wasn't ready to share. Turning to face him, she met his soft gaze, which conveyed a multitude of emotions towards her.

"This is everything I've longed for! Seeing you here, right before my eyes," he mumbled, a small smile playing on his lips as he approached her, gently taking her other hand in his. Bringing their intertwined hands to his lips, he kissed the back of her hand tenderly. With closed eyes, a racing heart, and deep breaths, Elena watched his every move with weighted eyes, afraid to admit the feelings bubbling up inside her.

"Carlton," she murmured, trying to halt his actions. He opened his eyes and gazed into her deep, profound eyes.

"El, where have you been? I tried calling you, reaching out in every way possible, but I never heard back from you. I started to worry that you had perhaps left the country just to avoid me. But now... seeing you here, I'm relieved to know I was wrong." He murmured softly as he held her close. Elena bit her lip as she looked into his hopeful, joyful eyes, her heart fluttering with mixed emotions.

"Carl... I... I think you should go," she uttered, not wanting to lead him on. Carlton held his breath for a moment, taking in her sudden rejection.


"Elena, please, we need to talk. We need to sort things out between us!" He pleaded with puzzled eyes. Elena quickly stepped back and walked away, trying to avoid him.

"There's nothing left to say because I'm not interested!" She defiantly cut him off, her words causing his chest to tighten with the pain of her continuous rejection.

"There's nothing left to say because I'm not interested!" She defiantly cut him off, her words causing his chest to tighten with the pain of her continuous rejection

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