As I'm about placing a knock on his apartment door though, I hear muffled voices inside. Some things really don't change. I just had to come at a wrong time. It's probably him and his mom again.

And to think I came here all to return a pen. I mean, I didn't but that's the reason I planned to give since things between us aren't fine anymore but really? Hi, I just came to return this pen you lent someone else. Really, Melissa?

I honestly didn't think this through. Dammit, what do I do?

"I've told you to leave, Samuel. Leave us alone, please. What more do you want?"

"I want to meet him." That's not Nathan's voice.

No that's not his voice but I know it. That's—

"And I will." The voice finishes, then the door opens.

Melissa Anica Martinez how many more situations like these will you put yourself in?

Tyler's dad comes face to face with me.

Or not face to face, since he's about six foot or above. So it's more like face to chest, but my eyes go up to meet his. Before coming back down to see Nathan's mother's wide ones as she stands behind him.


"I.. I just—"

"Nathan's not home."

"Yeah! Yeah, I figured." Why did I say that? I figured? God, Melissa were you eavesdropping??

You were but did you have to make it that obvious?

Miss Martin looks beyond frazzled. To say the least. She's in a black lacy dress, her skin just as tan but it's the hair. And eyes. Her hair is everywhere and her eyes as well, darting between Tyler's dad, me then the empty hallway. I know something's up. What it is? Well, that I don't know. One thing is it's none of my business. I just need to get the yell out of here before I say something more embarrassing.

Though I won't lie it's not a bit weird. Especially with the fact Tyler's dad is now involved in this whole... mix. And he's probably the one I overheard talking to miss Martins the other day too.

"You could wait. For him." She offers, still looking shaken. "He only stepped out a while ago,"

"No, I think I'd rather go."

"Let me give you a ride then, Princess." Tyler's dad comes in, offering, but I'm quick to shut it down.

"I came with a driver." Shut it down with a lie. "But thank you."

"It's no problem," he waves it off before turning to miss Martins again, "see you, Elizabeth."

She visibly freezes up.

Though we get into the elevator together— which is of course, the most awkward situation I've ever put myself in and will forever chastise myself for not waiting behind a little longer—

Well, although that happened, I wait back for him to leave first. I'm glad he does, not trying to be friendly or too close. It's about the only good impression I have of him.

I stay watching his back as he saunters through the lobby looking too expensive to be in here. I used to wonder if I did too, three years ago. But if I ever did or do, I probably show up as the rich daddy's girl from old money. While Tyler's dad looks like the actual daddy with old money, dressed in his usual suit with a price tag that could most likely buy this building.

"Melissa, what are you doing here?" I jolt out of my thoughts, only to find the one and only Nathan. His hair's overgrown again, almost covering his eyes and his thick eyebrows are stitched together in confusion.

Wait, he asked a question, what am I doing here.

What am I doing here?

"Pen." I state. Then blink and hold it up. "I was sent to return the pen you gave—"

"Really, Melissa?" He scoffs, clearly not buying it already. I sigh.

"I also came to say hi. But I get if—"

"Look, Mel. I'm sorry. It was really shitty asking us we stop being friends—"

"No, it's not. I understand." I say, but then... he doesn't counter that. He's supposed to! He's supposed to suggest we go back to being friends. I might be an introvert but it sucks not having a single person to lean on. Victoria's... distant. And Tyler,

I'm still trying to wrap my mind around him. Besides having an enormous crush on him, and anyway getting some sort of reciprocity from him.. I still don't know what we are.

We aren't friends. That's one thing. And I miss having a friend.

"I'm sorry." His voice breaks when he says it. Double confirmation things are staying the same between us. It's selfish, very selfish, but I hate it. I hate the realization.

Ignoring the tight feeling in my chest, I nod towards Tyler's dad who surprisingly hasn't left yet. He's by the coffee machine being attended to by the same lady from earlier, she seems to be infatuated by the few seconds of his time he's sharing with her.

I'm also surprised he'd take coffee from here. I nod towards him.

Nathan's eyes follow my nod, before turning to me with question in his blue eyes.

"Do you know him?"

"No." He answers, brows coming in to knit again like they always do when he's confused. "Why?"

I study him to see if the confusion is genuine, and after finding out it is, I ponder on if it's right or wrong to tell him what I know.

I finally decide it's neither right or wrong. It's, however, not my position. "Just wondering."

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