Chapter 3

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Exactly when the music started, Alastor pulled Lucifer closer that their chests were almost touching. The King still wasn't looking at him, because he knew that his face was bright red.

As the melody was playing, everyone was slowly dancing, except Charlie who was proudly watching them, as everyone were doing her exercise.

But Lucifer was really annoyed that he was 'the girl' in this dance, and Alastor 'the man'. "Ugh, why do I have to be a female, and you get to be a male while dancing?!" The King said, looking at Alastor frustrated. "Because you couldn't top~." Alastor responded and laughed. "Huh, of course i can!?" Lucifer looked at him, while Alastor was still chuckling. "Yeah, right~." The Radio demon said teasingly.

When the activity ended, Lucifer just went to the couch, and laid down on it. Then Charlie went up to him and sat beside him. "Dad, are you alright?"
She asked Lucifer, looking in his eyes. "Yeah, I'm fine." "Are you sure?" Charlie questioned him again "Yes sweetie, don't worry." He smiled at her softly. "Okey, but remeber that you can always talk to me." She said, comforting him. He just nodded, thinking if he was that obvious, that everyone consider him as someone with problems.

Alastor was just sitting at the bar with a drink in his hand, as he watched Lucifer talking to Charlie, he didn't know about what but he didn't really care. While he was just sitting there, Angel came up to him. "Does someone has a crush~?" Spider asked, trying to get on his nerves. "Ha! You wish." Alastor responded, not knowing if he was really telling the truth. "I'm not sure, when I see how you look at him~" Angel said, trying to convice him. "Angel go away, I don't want to hear your stupid sex jokes." The Radio demon replied, wanting him to go away. "Jeez, fine." Angel said rolling his eyes and going to his room.

Alastor sat a the bar untill he finished his drink then he went to his room, wanting to be alone with no one to bother him.

Lucifer laid on the couch alone, thinking how much he missed Lilith 'Where are you, love? Will you come back? Do you still love me? Do you still love Charlie?' He couldn't get these thoughts out of his mind. Lucifer felt his eyes filling with tears, and he immediately shook his head trying to forget about them. He slowly started to get up not wanting anyone to see him like this. Lucifer made it to his room and throw himself on the bed and started crying, not stopping this time. He hugged his legs and placed his chin on his knees, with his eyes still closed. 'Will I be able to love you after that long time..?' Lucifer started crying even more thinking about his love life. 'Who? Who am I suposted to love if you can't...' He felt as his body was starting to shake and his breath was getting heavy. "No-o... Please not now..." Lucifer was trying to calm his breath, not wanting to have a panic attack in the middle of the day.

Alastor was reading a book by his fireplace, when he heard something in the room next to him. He ignored it at first but he heard it again, Alastor rolled his eyes as he stand up and went to check what it is. He was standing at the door and knocked, waiting for a response. There was no sound of anything, everything just stopped. Alastor slowly opened the door but there was nothing or anyone there, but the bathroom door was locked. "Umm, Lucifer are you here?" He asked not sure if that was Lucifer's room. "Eh- Uh, Yes-, Yes I'm here!" The King replied but Alastor could feel that Lucifer wasn't okey just by hearing his voice. "Are you okey?" The Radio demon asked. "Y- Yes? Why do you care, anyway?" Lucifer said with shaky voice. "You know what, never mind." Alastor said annoyed, because he wasn't good at comforting people while he was going back to his room.

Lucifer sat on the bathroom floor sobbing quietly, blaming himself for refusing Alastor's help. 'Why do I always have to mess things up?!' Lucifer was blaming himself for everything, for Lilith leaving him, how he was a horrible father to Charlie, that even some radom sinner was better for her, for giving that stupid apple to Eve, that heaven betrayed him, for making Alastor get out of his room, for everything...


It was about 5 pm when Charlie called everyone for dinner. When every person was sitting to the table, except Alastor of course, because he was eating in his room some dead dear or something like this, Lucifer wasn't here so Charlie excused herself and went to his room.

Lucifer was sitting in his desk filling some paperwork, when he heard a knock on his door. "Can I come in?" He smiled when he heard Charlie's voice. "Yes of course, come in." Charlie opened the door and walked in. "The dinner is ready if you want to come." She said, smiling at him. "Sure hun, i'll be there in a minute!" "Okey, thank you!" Charlie said slowly getting out of his room and closing the door.

To be continued!

I hope you guys like it, and again if you see any spelling mistakes just say so!

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